Reviews for Mad Hatter
VampireLover17 chapter 11 . 12/9/2017
Only just discovered this story and I fucking love it. I really hope you have plans to continue it.
Guest chapter 11 . 6/25/2017
I love this story and can't wait to see what happens next!
ARG613 chapter 11 . 12/15/2016
please update love this
Boris Yeltsin chapter 11 . 8/24/2016
Loving it.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 1 . 8/24/2016
Interesting idea so far.
h chapter 11 . 8/18/2016
As twisted as it sounds... it would be pretty interesting to see what she and the room looked like after killing that guy.. I'm weird. LOL.
Nobody comes out on top in 'an eye for an eye'. I understand wanting to get back at someone, but it def. comes at a price.
Wedding crashers, that'll be interesting. Can't wait for that. :)
Also, Rami is awesome for Karim, it makes total sense in my head that he'd be that type of character. Whenever I think of Rami now, all I can think of is the game Until Dawn. He was great in that too.
Can't wait for more, and I wish the new season would start up so homeboy would return ;).
h chapter 10 . 6/27/2016
Oh man.. stuffs about to get more crazy. I love it. LOL. Greatness as always :)
h chapter 9 . 4/1/2016
Well, Salomé/Svetlana's meet was interesting .. lol.
She's very subtle in her Wonderland ways.. like how no one can be late for the dinner party. It isn't surprising that Mandy/Ian don't catch it.
And I wonder what'll happen at this dinner party. Should make for an interesting read. :) Can't wait :D
Rainbowpandashameless chapter 8 . 3/18/2016
I love this chap I feel we are all getting more insight to Lo and I really like how she handled Terry. And also svetlana deserved. And the 100 is my show lexa and Octavia are my wives and also Clarke is a bitch.

Thats all for now until next time
h chapter 8 . 3/18/2016
Sometimes you just want to break things. If I had the means to buy a bunch of crap just to smash, I probably would spend a small fortune on doing just that. lol.
She gave him some pretty solid advise there in that bathroom.
Oh no, Svetlana is going to meet some form a crazy. I'm excited. :) It'll be a thing of beauty. Teach her not to rape Mickey Mouse.
Can't wait to see what happens next :D
ILovePotatoes94 chapter 8 . 3/18/2016
Omg Lo is crazy and I'm loving it! She's badass and I love her 3
Rainbowpandashameless chapter 7 . 2/7/2016
I love this chap. And yes he is a sick bastard and I hope Sal kills his ass. Poor Ian he didn't know what him
h chapter 7 . 2/6/2016
Salomé just kissing up everyone on the Southside? lol.
Love how she kick his ass and tasered him! Terry's a nasty slime.
Oh, poor Ian. Always getting hurt :(
I cannot wait for her and Svetlana to meet. Oh man. Should be interesting.
I don't think I can see Ian with anyone but Mickey.. so potential firefighter lover is odd to me lol.
Patiently waiting until your next post :D
h chapter 6 . 12/11/2015
I love all the jealousy, ass-kicking, crazy that was this chapter.
Always awesome. Can't wait for the next one. :D
Alice chapter 5 . 11/13/2015
Like it. Keep going
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