Reviews for Breaking Out
Wolfstar19 chapter 17 . 3/24/2019
Amazing story! Are you going to update or is this the end?
joanmyjet chapter 17 . 2/19/2017
is there more? i hope there is more.
Alexouu chapter 17 . 2/16/2017
Awesome, thanks for the update !
ciera.dibello chapter 17 . 2/13/2017
Loved this chapter! And all the fluff!
Guest chapter 17 . 2/13/2017
FUuCK that was some good shit pal, good shitt! No seriously, thank you for updating again btw. Kinda missed your amazingly good writing!
As for this chapter.. wttttffff Abby? Kinda pissed at her.. like that's how u apologize? Biiiiiitch.. hell no. But anyway, the adorable Anya/Raven parts made up for it.. and the ending was perfect!
Tea9369 chapter 17 . 2/12/2017
hey I just finished reading the new chapter! i'm loving this story so much!

a couple things I noticed though...

Clarke talking about Jake's will when he left her the condo... you had her say in "my will" it was Jake's will not Clarke's.

When Raven and Anya are dancing... you have Lexa instead of Anya in one sentence with Raven instead of Anya... (bet both Clarke and Anya... and possibly Raven might have something to say about that... lol I'm positive Lexa would hehehe)

5 in the bed should be pretty interesting in the morning .. lol looking forward to it!
soulterror chapter 17 . 2/12/2017
well that was an emotional chapter. loved it to bits and cant wait for more

wkgreen chapter 17 . 2/12/2017
Heh, that bed is going to get hot later in the night, from all the bodies pressed together. I liked the way Clarke handled Abby. Hopefully Abby gets her shit together, because it certainly isn't! Sounds like she needs professional help because she isn't looking after herself.

Woohooo! Date night!

Waiting for more ;)
ara82 chapter 17 . 2/12/2017
I love this!
Tea9369 chapter 16 . 2/4/2017
Hi! I just finished re reading the whole story... and remembering why I loved it... are you going to continue with it? cause i'm really looking forward to Clarke and Lexa's date... and Clarke's reaction to Abby showing up...

thank you for no finn or belamy in this story too... they get old and boring... lol
Mzpop chapter 16 . 1/8/2017
Ahhhh when's the next update
YurigirlzCrush chapter 16 . 12/23/2016
Hockey season? You're a hockey fan? I would NEVER have guessed! *grins* But on a more serious front, I think that's the biggest nod to your talent as a writer. I've been looking forward to getting back to this story because I love the direction of the narrative and the way all the characters interact, but tbh, I don't have even the remotest interest in hockey. *sheepish* I think that says something, that a story which, while it's not exactly ABOUT hockey, has a fair bit of hockey in it, can still be interesting and fun for someone who couldn't care less about the sport. Good writing. *smiles*

And Anya has anger issues. *grins* Womanhandling poor Abby like that... *smh* For real though, the anger is entirely justified. Just not sure about the pinning her to the wall by her throat. She's lucky that guilt was stronger than anger in the moment. Some people completely shut down when they feel womanhandled or intimidated. I look forward to seeing how the conversation between Clarke and her mom goes.

I didn't see anything for chapterly error pointy-out time, so there's that too. *grins* I hope that your day is going well and that you're looking forward to a fun holiday weekend. Things are about to go insane here, so the next two days will be crazy busy. I've enjoyed taking a break to read this while I had the chance. I'll be back to read more when I have the chance. *smiles and waves*
Guest chapter 16 . 11/20/2016
i hope you update really soon because i love this story
gorman chapter 16 . 10/26/2016
Seriously! Only started reading this story this morning... didn't get much work done today! I LOVE IT.
wkgreen chapter 16 . 10/25/2016
Well done Anya!

Waiting for more :)
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