Reviews for Denial
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
OhrwurmCrepe chapter 1 . 5/19/2017
I can only repeat over and over the same thing I wrote on your previous LIS short stories: I really, really enjoy reading this. The characters are so spot on and your style of telling a story makes reading a lot of fun.

Such "small" details such as Chloe holding the DVD in front of her face, then down in front of her chest, then peaking into the form room to the check if a DVD player is there... It makes for a very fluid reading.

And for the story itself: it's damn cute! And on the other hand I like the way you deal with the week of hell and Max having nightmares.

It's a shame that there are only two LIS fan fics of yours remaining for me to read. ;-)
4everapplejack chapter 1 . 8/29/2015
I loved it! Add more of Kate being cute, and of course Chloe being cute! I love your stories and can't wait for more.
theangstspecialist chapter 1 . 8/27/2015
Don't apologize for the length, its really good that we have so much great content to read. Hell, I'd be happy if it was 10,000 words. Great job!
lizzymusa chapter 1 . 8/25/2015
Noo I need one more chapter 3 this was too good hella perfect
Guest chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
I loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
Okay, so first thing you should know is I never post comments on author's stories. Not because I don't want to support the author, but I just can't think of anything big or creative to say. Your story however made me want to say something. I couldn't hold myself back from commenting. This is by far the best Life is Strange Fanfiction story I have read. I know it's just a one shot, but you put in so much emotion and heart into the story that it made it powerful. That's extremely hard to do in 5,000 words. Never apologize for detail though. I thought the length was great. You didn't rush things, and added the little stuff to make it descriptive. Everyone was perfectly in character. I think people struggle keeping Max and Chloe in particular in character. In my opinion, I think these are the exact thoughts that Max would feel in this senario. I always hate when an author makes the character immediately accept their feelings or just make it predictable. You captured perfectly Max wrestling with her feelings towards Chloe, despite everyone around them seeing it. The last thing I had to say about this is that I've read your other one shots as well. While they were good, I can definitely tell you've grown as a writer in a short span of time, because your writing is worlds better. It's not that the other stuff is bad, but the quality of this piece is outstanding. Well, enough rambling. I would've cleaned this up and typed paragraphs but I'm typing on my phone. Keep it up! I look forward to more content from you!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
The fluff is so damn good here. Really loved it when Joyce and Kate stated the obvious and the ending 3
cHRYSTAL chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
That was soooo GOOD! Need More :3
UnderThePureMoon chapter 1 . 8/19/2015
ughh oh my god pricefield kills

this was so great and i loved seeing chloe from max's point of view in this. i adore how everyone - especially kate and joyce - saw just how deep max was in but the little nerd princess can't see it herself.
such a pleasure to read, really, great job!
UhhhhMelissa chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
Excellent story. If these two ever get together I always imagined Joyce breathing a sigh of relief and going "finally!" I love that you included Joyce since not many people do and I think she's a very fun character! Kudos :)
PriestessAmy chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
Freaking adorable
Ollivander7 chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
Loved it!/the length was great in my opinion.
TimeShinigami chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
Nice! Never apologize for length. I don't even get out of bed for less than 5k words ;)

I loved the fluff, and the way Chloe spoke- it was perfect characterization. Max being hesitt and dancing around her feelings also rings true to me. I also greatly enjoyed the way you avoided describing game events that haven't occurred yet, in a way that was jarring enough to take me out of the story. I've also got a thing for either f the girl's parents reactions to their relationship, so any story with that scene is great in my eyes.

I will look forward to your continuing tales in the journals of Pricefield with great anticipation! Thank you for writing!
Malgrain chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
Awh.. This was really, really good. Very well written, great length, and a pretty emotional chapter. I got kinda teary eyed, actually. xD Max and Chloe are just so wonderful, and thinking back to episode four.. Ugh, I just can't. So many emotions. Really good, though, I look forward to seeing more stuff from you!
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