Reviews for Keeper of the Dragon
mr x chapter 3 . 4/8/2013
this sucks
Jilly chapter 36 . 9/20/2011
I just wanted to tell you: that was really a great story. Not so much of a Fanfiction like many other works here. I love it. :D

I really hope you write 'originals'. I would like to read one. ;)
Darkia chapter 1 . 7/18/2006
Are any of the origional characters of EscaFlowne going to be in here at all? I mean V/H Are basically what makes up EscaFlowne other then EscaFlowne itself.
Hopper chapter 36 . 7/18/2006
I'd already left a signed review couple of years ago. XD


Hopper will try SO HARD to become rich and powerful when she grows up. In fact, I might just try to go to Harvard Law School like my parents want me to, because, because...when I'm rich and powerful, I'll buy Philomel Books (I mean, isn't that publishing company just BEGGING for me to take it over? XD), and publish KotD!

That's if KotD isn't published and on top of bestselling lists already. 3

Much love~
Moreen Cafell chapter 22 . 2/9/2006
\O/ 100 REVIEWS! Party!

Love it, love it! :D
Moreen Cafell chapter 21 . 2/9/2006
Ohh! Only 1 more! Anyway, I really like this (once again)! I hope to see it in stores someday.
Moreen Cafell chapter 20 . 11/22/2005
Hehe... I love it when Si-kun throws his sponges. *sigh* and then Leland dunking him... I think this is one of my favorite chapters, it's definately one of the lighter ones. :D
Moreen Cafell chapter 19 . 11/22/2005
"His air screamed military like a banshee on steroids." :rofl: I like that phrase... maybe I'll have to add it to my list of fun quotes to put in my DA signature...

This really does make more sense now that I've seen Esca... ;
Moreen Cafell chapter 18 . 11/22/2005
Moreen Cafell chapter 17 . 7/18/2005
O.O They're brothers? geez... who'd a-thunk it. Great chapter. *cries* that was kinda sad. I'm extremely glad Anshu didn't kill Kiran. and i was kinda wondering who Anshu's wife was... i just assumed she had died or something.

Awesome! I heart Keeper of the Dragon!

Moreen Cafell chapter 16 . 6/29/2005
T.T that's so sad! Poor Leland, I can just imagine what it would be like to see someone who has been that badly hurt, mentally and physically. This was a good chapter, though. I liked hearing what one of Riyad's visions were like.

Very, very good job so far!

Moreen Cafell chapter 15 . 6/24/2005
I withdraw my sympathy for Brisingamen.

Thank god she was rescued!

Damn you, Brisingamen!

Way great chap tho.

Still love much!

Awesome job!

So great!

They kept getting smaller! Phew, at least I stopped that trend.

Moreen Cafell chapter 14 . 6/24/2005
Wow. That's really all I can think of to say right now. You are an amazing author, and I love this so much! This is really just phenomenal. I'm in major, major awe! Sakura-san, how do you write so well? It's so overwhelming! In a good way! *kneels and bows continuously at Sakura-san's feet ("All hail the almighty Sakura-san!")*

I have to say, I feel kinda sorry for Brisingamen, him failing to call down Escaflowne and all, but those things can happen sometimes (although they usually don't include calling upon a giant-suit-of-armor-that's-a-god-type-thing)...

Yay! on to Chap 15! Huzzah!

Moreen Cafell chapter 13 . 6/24/2005
HUZZAH RIYAD! I'm so glad he did it. ("I knew ya had it in ya, Riyad!")

I can see the fight between Leland and Anil in a tabloid magazine: "Tempers rose and psychic feathers flew as Abaharaki Guildmaster Leland Blackhawk and King Anil of the White Dragon Clan fought over the posession of the Wing Goddess, Azumi Kuronari. Kuronari was kidnapped by the insane Keeper of the Demon Anshu Falconpointe..." and so on.

Anyway, you're still doing a superb job with this! Great chapter and emotion! This is so awesome!

Moreen Cafell chapter 12 . 6/24/2005
Wow! Wowzie wowzie wow! Whoever knew Anshu had a son? An insane demon with a family? Cool! Schwet!

By what Anshu said about Kiran lasting so long, being a Temporary must be just as dangerous as being the Keeper. I certainly wouldn't want to be in that position, even if it meant I was the heir of a Clan overlord, if I can call a Keeper that.

Prize? Is she a thing now, to be bestowed to a person without consent? Jeez... Anshu goes from being fatherly to being cold and merciless... Talk about mood swings!

This is really really good! I'm impressed! Very much so!

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