Reviews for Cycle
Bob chapter 20 . 1/8/2018
Great fanfiction. Sad/Happy ending. Best EB fanfiction I've seen.
Guest chapter 20 . 3/18/2013
I loved this so much, and I can't stand that it's over! Also, the ending of Chapter 19...
But I guess, isn't that the point?
K-chan chapter 20 . 7/13/2012
EPIC. JUST EPIC. I almost cried when jeff died. I like how you made new custom earthbound enemies. I also like how you threw in a bit of Jeff x Paula as well as ness x Paula . A brilliant piece indeed.
Pk Love Omega chapter 3 . 3/3/2011
I LOVE THIS FIC! :D woot! :)
Shamanic Shaymin chapter 20 . 9/7/2007
I don't think I've read a fic in aeons that's conjured up intense emotions like this. Seriously, this is amazing and original, and Earthbound is a lucky soul to have such a story written for it. I LOVED how you characterized the Chosen 4 in this. Mainly Ness. Definitely Ness. He's like how I envisioned him in my own head-cocky and everything. And there's Paula and Poo and-don't get me started on Jeff. I wanted to strangle him when he was about to seal Ness in the Pyramid ("Um, NO! Paula is NOT going to like you better!"), so thank god he didn't. I knew from the first instant of "chasing the feather" that he was gonna kick the bucket-that still didn't make it any less painful and gut-wrenching when he did. Chapter 19 owned everything and so much more. (("Paula knew what she had to do. There were only seconds before the last feather disappeared into the horizon. Slowly, she leaned down. And kissed a dead man." Gets me every. Single. Time. Wah. T_T))

I loved the little things in the fic too, like the explanation for the Sound Stone disappearing and the hysterical one-liners. Hopefully Ness got a chance to blow up some hotels after this fic eh? ;D
DragonRaiderX9 chapter 20 . 10/3/2004
The only thing I don't love about this fic is that you made Jeff die. Other than that, it was just awesome, though a little unclear at times.
Renyard Al Fiona chapter 20 . 11/1/2003
...WOW! You have an EXCELLENT grasp of character. Ness was Ness, Paula was Paula, Jeff was... your own Jeff. VERY nice bit about Magicant, and representing insanity and the destruction of "Your Sanctuary" by having the Sound Stone dischord was excellent... and disturbing. UltimatePower!Pokey was also quite disturbing, and the description of him made it VERY clear this isn't the fatso from the game, but a truly evil and twisted soul. Extra bonus points for Ness realizing "he enslaved his family."

A few quibbles - actually some MAJOR problems. First off - while I don't mind the use of "Ness performed Psi Rockin' Beta," what I do object to is leaving it at that - what does Psi Rockin' Beta look like? What does it feel like? Does the distortion wave smell of ozone? Things like that.

Also... I'm sorry. Ness would NOT think of his abilities in terms of "PP" or "Psychic Points." Jeff might, if he had a device that could keep track of psychic power ("Ah, yes, this Charm burned seven motes of Essence...")... but Ness would DEFINETLY think of it in terms of being tired. Or, being unable to concentrate. Or, feeling drained and hollow. Something like that. Don't fall back on game terms - don't be afraid to tell us what running out of PSI feels like! Be more descriptive with the pychokinetic powers.

Still, this is one GREAT peice with some great one liners. "Did you kiss him?" "REALLY, Jeff. Of course I did." Heh heh. Keep on writing!

(Renyard used PSI Fanfic Omega!

Final Starman took 981 damage!

Final Starman was defeated!)
nicoga chapter 20 . 5/1/2003
Oh gosh...i pritned this up, takin out unecesary spaces...47 pages...O_o...but...WORTH EVERY DANG SHEET! i LOVED this story...i can read it WHENEVER i want, and i probably will end up readin it over and over and over...its a WONDERFUL definitely lookin foreward to the sequal bein done... _
asdfjklasdfjklasdfasdf chapter 20 . 3/6/2003
Holy good gravy this story kicks ass.

I don't know how to describe it. Plot holes are void, spelling and grammar are nil, and just sweet zombie jesus on a pogo stick, this is the greatest EB fic ever. Period. End of statement. Time to reread!
Eikichi chapter 20 . 11/16/2002
Speechless. Just speechless. Absolutely beautiful story. Everyone knows how hard it is to get back your memory. And...and he marries Paula and has kids! It doesn't get any more beautiful.
Eyes5 chapter 20 . 10/19/2002
I read this story twice over and in all honesty, this has to be one of the best Earthbound fics ever! I hope you come up with enough inspiriation for another Earthbound fic! I thought the ending was a little abrubt, though.
Matthew John chapter 20 . 9/6/2002
SkullKid chapter 20 . 8/9/2002
wow... it's been a while since i've been THIS hooked on a story. Good job! poor Jeff... gah, Pokey got what he deserved!
Omega chapter 20 . 6/30/2002
Put simply it rocked. I am going to print out a copy for all my friends
tim333 chapter 20 . 3/10/2002
Wow. What can I say about this that hasn't already been said? This is fan fiction at its finest.

some spelling errors, though. Sorry, I always have to find SOMETHING to pick at...
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