Reviews for Managing Love
WhosHughesofDownton chapter 7 . 5/25
Finally getting a chance to read this and it doesn't disappoint.

I was especially fond of this chapter, as I was born in February of 1990 and love that that's when you had this AU Chelsie meet.

I hope we learn more about their eventual first date and how the proposal went down.

I shall keep reading to find out.

As always, thanks for sharing your writing!
Lmc445 chapter 33 . 9/11/2019
I just reread this story. I still love it!
misszenobell chapter 33 . 7/15/2018
I love a good modern AU and this was perfect! Just read it for the first time now and I couldn’t put it down. There were so many sweet, sexy and romantic moments, as well as the occasional bit of angst or drama. Glad that pretty much all of the DA characters were involved, but that our gorgeous Chelsie was at the heart of it all. I’ll admit that I teared up while reading the epilogue. Also, I would be interested in seeing photos of their lovely wedding reception venue...Could you guide me to some? Thank you so much for this story, I’m happy to have read it, albeit rather late. x
Chelsietx chapter 33 . 5/3/2017
Oh my, this entire story was just amazing! The Chelsie was perfect along with all the characters you included. You really know how to weave together an engaging fic. The love between Charles and Elsie was so sweet. I thoroughly enjoyed this. Thanks so much.
Mrs.Ardant chapter 13 . 4/8/2017
The best first date, the best first kiss. everything is so perfect about this chapter. When I am in a bad day/week I run to this chapter and everything looks better, full of love and passion. I'm very grateful for this story. You've made my day countless times.
LordGranthamsGirl chapter 33 . 9/4/2016
I'm sad for this to end but you so well captured a C&E that became endearing over the thirty some odd chapters. I truly enjoyed it! Thank you!
CSot chapter 13 . 5/20/2016
Have I already reviewed this? Possibly. Guess what? I CAN SIGN OUT AND DO IT AGAIN!

I think that's the best first kiss ever written, Chelsie or otherwise. That's all. Have I already said that before? Possibly. DON'T CARE.

My goodness, this is a fun reread. xx
NEGirl chapter 33 . 5/2/2016
Wow. Wow. Wow. That was so good. I like modern a/u Chelsie. I thought you did a good job keeping them in character.
OldFashionedGrl chapter 33 . 4/24/2016
What a lovely story. I really so enjoyed the world you created and how you wove in each of the characters.
Peetlepee chapter 18 . 2/18/2016
I don't remember reading this page but it was very well said. Brava! :)
BrittanyLS chapter 26 . 1/16/2016
BrittanyLS chapter 25 . 1/16/2016
what a gorgeous ceremony!
BrittanyLS chapter 24 . 1/16/2016
Their letters to each other were so romantic!
Guest chapter 21 . 1/16/2016
I am loving this! You have written them all really well!
BrittanyLS chapter 12 . 1/15/2016
These chapters are making me smile! They are adorable together!
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