Reviews for Code Geass R1: Chaos and Change
Shadowedsoul2 chapter 26 . 7/27
Really great story so far i cant wait for the next update ,hope your staying safe
Guest chapter 26 . 7/24
bauers374 chapter 4 . 7/7
But is it a Pizza Hut pizza
bauers374 chapter 3 . 7/7
so is Suzaku Permenantly dead now?
bauers374 chapter 2 . 7/7
Seriously I think the Nam paralells are intentintional at this point...
bauers374 chapter 2 . 7/7
Huh, a pointless war in indochina, with the enemy being trained and supplyied by the Chinese...

Now Why does that seem Familiar...
gremiofairytaildeljuego chapter 26 . 7/4
Valkerie131 chapter 26 . 7/1
The story is amazing, I'm both a fan of Code Geass amd the UC timeline... I hope you continue this story because this is impressive
Shifuru chapter 3 . 6/24
This is written decently. The punctuations and a few other issues, however, need MAJOR editing.
lalalamb chapter 21 . 6/20
oh my God I love the Lamorak! 3 hahaha sometimes genius can't defeat pure force power especially not if they didn't prepare for it. But Lelouch's battle tactics make the fight interesting nonetheless. It would have worked if it's anyone but Char
lalalamb chapter 16 . 6/19
It's annoying trying to hide your face from your organization. Especially as the leader. If Lelouch truly need to hide his face, he must at least trust his close allies and show them his face. If he couldn't do that, he shouldn't have usurped the power of an existing organization. He should have made his own that are loyal to him and his cause, his beliefs, not just because of results and being competent!
lalalamb chapter 5 . 6/19
I believe too that change can be done from within. Everything starts from within xD To gain peace, the method should be mostly peaceful. The good must outnumbered the bad, so all the worst things may be forgotten and buried and people are free of hatred and free to dream of a better future...there will always be bad people because of circumstances or just nature but it's safe to say the good outnumbered them and it should remain so even in the things we did in our daily lives.
mrean22 chapter 24 . 6/21
Very curious how things will change. For example will the New Geass order on saving Zero get Suzaku in more trouble? Like in canon they basically send him on a suicide mission for just trying to save himself. I imagine the punishment for trying to save Zero specifically would get him a bigger punishment.
Enneas chapter 26 . 6/17
Sad for the short chapters but thankful still for having them coming. Hope you don't give up on this one, I'm sure 'I'm not alone when I say that your story is really good. Thanks
Predator125 chapter 1 . 6/13
while I do like the concept the story is not for my once more someone is scared of the butterflies he can change this but is following the cannon because is afraid of the butterflies he repetitive doesn't stop Lelouch he alose claims to by a friend of Alya swears revenge but he doesn't help her sister or her when he and just accepted that he says that he wishes to save the world but in reality, he does nothing to save it or change it does he kill Lelouch or save Alyas sister no just because he does not really want to save it he claims that he save his enemies and to keeps the events same for to have his meta Metaknowledge but in reality, he does not wish to do what is necessary while he might help the Japanese and build weapons what does he do does he changes the world for the better no he just plays cops and robbers with the black knights
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