Reviews for 5 times Reid could have regretted something, and 1 he couldn't
Gubefan1980 chapter 6 . 9/28/2015
I can't believe I'm just reading this for the first time, this is so excellent, and an ending I was truly hoping for, they belong together, and I was hoping Derek wouldn't break Spencer's heart. I've read more of them than I care to count and I wind up really hating those Morgan's. There have been one or two where Reid has the no strings policy and I hate that too. Very nice, poignant story, you did a great job, makes up for the assholery (is that a word? well in my world it is) anyway, it was great.
Gubefan1980 chapter 5 . 9/8/2015
Okay, this is good, hot and sexy, and I'm hoping that Derek finally comes to his senses and realizes FWB isn't enough for him, they are such good friends, it's hard for me to imagine that Derek can NOT have feelings for Spencer. He already has feelings for Spencer, now he has to realize the feelings are love. Good chapter, I will probably read the rest on AO3 on my cell phone where I do most of my fan fiction reading, I just happened to stumble across this one. I was reading a couple of someone else's fan fiction, but she seems to specialize in angst, that is really serious angst, but I clicked on her favorite stories and this popped up at the top of the list. Great story
Gubefan1980 chapter 4 . 9/8/2015
While it is true that Spencer agreed to the FWB plan, Derek almost strikes me as the kind of man who senses a person with self-esteem issues and preys on that. Yes, Spencer agreed to the arrangement, but Derek is using his "consent" to his advantage. Don't mistake my comments about Derek as not thinking your story is well written, it is, I'm just hoping Derek gets honest with himself and admits he's gay or bi or whatever, and that yeah, maybe he is in love with Spencer.
Gubefan1980 chapter 3 . 9/8/2015
Okay, this is going over the line, come on Derek, if you were out with Christine would you be texting Savannah? I don't like this Derek, FWB or not, this is callous. There are plenty of times that Reid doesn't go out with the team that he can text some woman, he doesn't have to throw it in Reid's face. Yeah, he ran after Spencer, but that was unkind.
Gubefan1980 chapter 2 . 9/8/2015
I think Reid and Morgan need to have "the talk" despite the whole "friends with benefits" agreement, I think it's a bit callous for Morgan to start talking about Christine when he's with Reid. He knows Reid has self-esteem issues, and regardless if they haven't defined the parameters of their relationship, Derek is still insensitive. I mean surely if Derek was on a date with Christine he wouldn't start talking about Savannah, would he? Doesn't his best friend deserve the same courtesy?
Gubefan1980 chapter 1 . 9/8/2015
I'm reading this on AO3 but can't comment, I forgot my password and now can't get on. I'm not sure how I feel about this, I like the writing, it's well written, you've incorporated cases into the chapters in a realistic way, I just don't know if Spencer's personality, and his self-esteem issues are a right fit for this arrangement.