Reviews for Gasoline
WolfMaddie517 chapter 1 . 12/17/2016
The ending was adorable. Tbh I hate Chasefield. LOL this was like a Chasefield and Pricefield sort of thing. Cute 3
Percy James chapter 1 . 8/30/2016
D'aww...I should read fluff like this more often. Reading your stories really, really helps me to just forget everything else and unwind for some time. The texts between Max and Chloe were hella cute, Max and Vic debating anime was hella funny...and this story is just hella cute and beautiful and perfect. Your writing even made me ship Victoria and Taylor, something that no story before could manage to do. And I love how you show the friendly, and human and compassionate side of them, too.
Wonderful story, supercute fluff! ~
OITNBishiLIS chapter 1 . 6/19/2016
jackiechallis chapter 1 . 5/27/2016
omg you amazing you should do more for defo
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 1 . 11/2/2015
Hella fucking yeah! Go Max! Nab yourself a punk of a girlfriend. Hehe
M. Underhill chapter 1 . 9/25/2015
Was a great read. Caught myself genuinely smiling during the end.
FenrirWolff chapter 1 . 9/22/2015
Thos story is soo sweet! I love your story's all the way, but that is just the mushiness itself. I also love the idea of Vic and Max being friends and think you made it just as it would be. Great story and awesome idea of how the end of the game could be by the way keep going your story's. I love 'em
Lyta Halifax chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
Oh my fucking Goddess, you are so good at this, asshole! :-D

Seriously, this is now my new favorite work of yours. I loved it from the very start, and you're right, I absolutely adored the anime section with the posters. I actually have a framed Akira and Princess Mononoke in my office...sadly neither of them are signed.

I think you handled this the best, vis a vis the game setting...that you wiped it out all, and brought it back to the beginning, removing the worst of the trauma and angst.

I loved Taylor and Vic being a couple, and you know me, any fic where Victoria is in Dominatrix mode is a total fave for me. On a semi-related note, thank you for what I am going to assume is a tiny bit of a shoutout/callback to Chloe's professional development. But I'm also thrilled with how this group are not friends...and you made it realistic, for how they made their peace.

But the best part of the story is that this isn't the tale of how Max and Chloe ARE a couple, but how they become one. God, I wish I was half as good as you with the whole emotional flirtation and lesbian angst, especially now that I have those sections starting to come up in my series.

Well done!
maxsfreckles chapter 1 . 9/5/2015
Ahh I loved it so much! rowanred strikes again :)
TM Calypso chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
I have been reading this all day and enjoyed every minute of it. To be honest, I never considered a Victoria/Taylor pairing. Kinda like it, tbh. This whole fic was really sweet and was a great read. Nice work.
Ziztark chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
So I finally got the time to finish reading this one.

Amazing as usual. I had a smile on my face the entire time. I actually had to stop reading for a while because I was in a public place and I couldnt stop laughing and smiling.

You can tell that everything is getting better, but there are still scars from what happened in October, in every character.

I still have a huge grin on my face from those last sentences. I just imagine chloe standing for a second in confusion, and then it hits her.
Candle in the Night chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
To the best of my knowledge I don't recall you ever doing a Max/Victoria friendship before. I could be wrong though. It was surprisingly cute- their share love of photography and Victoria's closet Anime nerdiness made their friendship very believable. Taylor defended Victoria strongly when you bring her up in game, I can see why if she acts anything like this to her friends. Honestly I didn't know what to think when I saw there was platonic Chasefield, but it worked for me. I'm smiling thinking of the reaction Vic and Taylor will have when they hear about Max's smooth moves- because damn Max! Girl's got suave. Also Max's- "I fucking knew it!" was both funny and glorious. Also liked Max's parents role, small as it was.

All in all it was super cute!
grunt gunner00 chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
That was awesome! I love the idea of friendship between Max and Victoria, and the idea of Courtney and Victoria never came to my mind until now, and I do like it, in the most, non-creepy way possible!
matjojo chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
well, that was different, with the vic and taylor thing, I do hella love the idea though. Also, Keep up this story, would love to read more of it.
Summer chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
I had to say it a second time. That particular story struck a chord.
And, the shift to Chloe's perspective gave so much weight to the final lines. You pushed every piece of trash Pricefield shipper like me on the edge on their seats.

Favorite passages: Max blurting "I fucking knew it!" about Victoria's gayness.
Joyce's "Jesus Fucking Christ" at the sight of Max.
Comedy Platinum.
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