Reviews for Hostile First Contact for the Federation (under rewrite)
Guest chapter 3 . 7/30
Me parece que cometiste un ligero error,se supone que Tevos y su compañero son los sabios y con mas experiencia mientras que Sparatus es un burocrata,fanatico imbeicl obsesionado con la superioridad de los Turianos y la Ciudadela por sobre todo el universo sin explorar o por todavia conocer.
highlander348 chapter 1 . 2/10
Face Yourself chapter 2 . 12/13/2019
Huh. I expected the Turian to freak about about the murder-and-clone device.
Still, yay for not dumbing down the Trek tech to match pathetic ME tech!
raw666 chapter 6 . 9/12/2019
I suggest you get rid of reintroducing are starfighter core if you are rewriting. Fighters are useless in the Star Trek universe, outside of ground invasions, because of phasers arrays. They are literally the best point defense system you can get and with how quickly they can react, can eliminate whole squadrons with powerful shields within 30 seconds. In the 23rd century, they can destroy a 3m size object 90km away. While in TNG, a per Dominion War refit Galaxy took out a squadron of less advance fighters in 30 seconds. They are only useful in places like asteroid fields as they use the rocks for cover. Or used as large swarms that can distract targets or weaken targets for capital ships. Meaning drones would be more useful for people won't die in mass numbers when having to desperately make up a lack of numbers.
At least on the ground, they can act as flying tanks with their shields and weapons. Not to mention work well with a ground invasion would need to be quickly and perform hit and run tactics with bases equipped with beam arrays. Not to mention help in planetary defenses as they would be more suitable intercepting enemy shuttles and ambushing enemy starships if they are desperate.
amerdism chapter 1 . 4/4/2019
Awesome story. I hope to see more soon. When’s the next chapter going up?
Gregorvich chapter 3 . 4/3/2019
why did you make the council so retarded?
Ariel Schnee chapter 6 . 2/20/2019

And I was really liking this story.:(

Well. I hope you, or someone, continues this someday. Hopefully soon.
Bigrob1945 chapter 5 . 1/6/2019
like the story hope you continue
jackjones15660 chapter 1 . 11/14/2017
I know your story is quite old - but just reading your first into and I have one paticular issue. The idea that Warp Travel is faster than Mass Relays. There is liitwrally figures on this - Warp 9.95 is somewhere about 12 - 13 light years a day - which is extremly extrenly slow in the grand scheme of things - the diameter of the Milky Way is about 100,000 light years (Which is why exploring the other Quadrants can only be done through wormholes and flukes like Voyager) - help even traversing the entire of Federation space would take weeks if not months. 12 to 13 light years is the average speed of a Council Ships in built FTL - which rivals the mlst extremly pushed Federation Warp Driveb- the one they use for small distance travel just between star systems. Let alone the Reapers - who can do somewhere between 30 - 40 light years a day. Mass Relays flijg ships across the galaxy practically instantaneously - The idea that Warp Travel can rival Mass Effect FTL is just plain wrong - we have statistics to prove it. That is actually the only area Mass Effect can claim definate superiority.
1529 chapter 3 . 1/19/2017
An interesting story so far, but Tevos especially is OOC, that is an author's prerogative, but it is pretty extreme in this case.

Allowing the belligerents to dictate that they will be transported on a damaged ship is pretty unrealistic for multiple reasons, only the last of which is security/technology. The damaged ship gives power to the Council (they damaged it, so it is a sign of weakness of the Federation to both sides) also, any problems in transit could cause a war... massive risk.

Your characters so far have been pretty loose-lipped about their technology and you seem to be expanding that tend with who I can only guess is Garrus... the Turians are, effectively, enemies to the Federation at this point in reality any discussions between any Citadel species and a member of the Federation military would probably result in a counterintelligence investigation followed by charges of espionage or treason.

Thanks for writing.
Helyanweh chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
I'm still amazed by the utter stupidity of the ship designers. Hundreds of years of experience building ships and they can't even do something as simple as build a proper bridge. A console should not explode if you have some malfunction on the ship, like getting hit for example. It's something that should be quickly fixed with a small revision to ship design.

I also find something like this happening really jarring to read in a story as it breaks my suspension of disbelief. I mean, they can build these huge technological marvels, but not fix something as basic as this. Like being able to build something as complex as a smartphone, but a simple toaster short circuits on each use and you're not able to fix it.
Indecisive Bob chapter 1 . 12/5/2016
The communications officer was "instantly fried" by the communications console overloading and no one bothers to address the issue of the wounded or dead comrade in the room? Even after the fight is over, nothing's mentioned. Maybe it happened in the background, but it still feels very callous and neglectful.
Ronin Kenshin chapter 6 . 10/30/2016
I hope ya continue this its great I can't wait to see what happens with this fic great work
dragonlord1337 chapter 6 . 10/16/2016
This is an interesting story and I look forward to the next update. just one question though is the Kirk class that you feature in this story a variant of the Odyssey class from Star Treck Online?
rantingbanshee chapter 1 . 10/5/2016
~I don't know how to delete my previous review because it got posted prematurely. So I appologize in advance if it looks like a double post~

"Yellow alert, standby weapons and shields, notify the Pagh we're about to have first contact" Desiree ordered.

"Captain I'm reading an energy spike I think they're preparing to fire" Jeff yelled out.


Several shots impacted the hull of the Normandy before the shields could be fully activated. Chaos erupted on the bridge as the comms console exploded frying the Normandy's comm specialist instantly, as well as resulting in an explosion near counselor Zunen.

Sure, nothing could go wrong with leaving your ship defenseless with shields down in a first contact situation. Nothing at all. Why the hell didn't Shepard raise the Normandy's shields when the Turian ship's came through the Relay?

I have never seen a Federation Captain on all the Star Trek shows leave their ship's shields offline in any alien contact situation...ever! Federation Captains are essentially hard-wired to keep their ship's shields online all the time which begs the question why Shepard was so incompetent?

Sheppard is responsible for the death of a Starfleet Marine due to the fact that Normandy had no shields and the damages done to a brand new experimental ship that will no doubt cost millions in credits to repair as a direct result of her sheer incompetency.

This would be grounds for an immediate demotion back to Ensign for her stupidity in ordering the Normandy's shields to be offline for the duration of a first contact situation.

The second major issue is one related to another major inconsistency with regard to the Mass Effect verse. In chapter 4, the Federation diplomatic leaders, Ross, Martok and Garak mentioned the Council codex including that they have Omni-gel technology which interests the Federation in its application. This is where you made a mistake!

The System Alliance which don't exist in this story due to Federation, invented Omni-gel alongside several other mainstream technologies which players have come to familiarize themselves with. It's the reason why the Council races in the games, considered the System Alliance to be formidable and aggressive in expanding their tech base prior to Humanity joining and sitting on the Council as a representative.

Since the System Alliance don't exist in this story, Medi-gels, advanced genetic engineering, node enhancements, GARDIAN point defense lasers, AI research, biotechnology and computer technology that is superior to the Council's own computing tech and lastly, the most important contribution is the Quantum Entanglement Communicators (QEC) that effectively rendered comm-buoy networks virtually obsolete...would not exist, pronto!

All those technologies were made by Humanity/System Alliance and it is probably partly the reason why Humanity got a seat on the Council, alongside the fact that Sheppard had been the face of Humanity doing good deeds. Since the System Alliance doesn't exist in this story, then the tech that you mentioned should also not exist, especially considering the fact that the Council races didn't invent them.
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