Reviews for The Servant
Guest chapter 22 . 3/30
Damn you. This story is really good. This is an awesome experience. I am glad that you write this. I hope you can reach what you wanted. Thanks.
Guest chapter 22 . 3/26
If you ever want to write a sequel to this story, I would totally read it.
countrygirl35 chapter 22 . 10/14/2019
love your story. was really interesting
Guest chapter 22 . 7/21/2019
Awwwww! This was a absolutely amazing! I've been trying to look for other stories that are similar to this in like forever! I really enjoyed this!
sonavelkovskaa5842 chapter 22 . 7/14/2019
А можно продолжение этого рассказа, плиз. Очень мило, трогательно и круто.
fireworksinthenight chapter 22 . 6/7/2018
I've been re-reading this, and yes, it's still awesome.
Thank you so much for sharing it!
(And now I keep imagining bonus scenes, like how many servants will they have to hire to replace Leo? Who is the poor guy who will have to stoke the fires in Raph's room, the Prince-you-do-not-wake-up? Will Leo ever get to an healthy sleeping pattern? Will Raphael ever manage to get more comfortable outfits? How will Leo's brothers coax him into doing stupidly dangerous things now that they can't play the 'Prince card' anymore? Will Saki be locked up in some dungeon and spend his life doing candles? All very important questions. So thanks for that, too! And if you ever want to give them a more formal answer, well, I'll be there to read it.)
Savvywolf chapter 22 . 2/1/2018
THAT WAS ADORABLE! Okay I loved all of it thank you so much for writing this!
EmPro8 chapter 12 . 1/1/2018
yup, I knew it. Master Splinter
EmPro8 chapter 11 . 12/27/2017
I'm guessing somehow the 'cloaked man' in Master Splinter, back from the dead.
EmPro8 chapter 6 . 12/27/2017
"Are you questioning my authority?"

"Can you repeat the instructions back to me?"

I love these parts. They are so much like the actual Leo. It's nice to see that he's still in there.
Arachnide chapter 22 . 8/30/2017
This was beautiful... It literary brought me to tears at the end. You should make a sequel, it would be absolutely wonderful. I loved this story and i really enjoyed reading it. It was incredible. You are an excellent writer. The skill, the creativity, the sheer emotion that you showed throughout the story is ecseptional. You are amazing, my friend. And so is the story. I loved reading it. You should totally make a continuation. It would be so nice to see the family rejoined and for everyone to understand what leo has been doing. I just would love to see them together. It would be beautiful
Arachnide chapter 20 . 8/30/2017
Oh god...
Arachnide chapter 19 . 8/30/2017
Yes leo i am wondering the same thing. Nice chapter. Now i am curious to see if saki knew leo was in the library or not. He left quite quickly in my opinion. There is something off about it.
Arachnide chapter 18 . 8/30/2017
Nice... I like the plan. Although it is a little dangerous. Good chapter. Its nice how don can now too call leo bro and the others not hnderstand the real significance behind it. Its truly amazing reading this story.
Arachnide chapter 17 . 8/30/2017
Yes! I am so happy! He did it! He found out the truth! I... I am speechless. That sleep up leo made with the promise was amazing. All is going to the better. But to be truthful i am very curious as to see if leo and donnie are going to tell everyone else. They probably are... Oh gods i am so excited i cant write a proper review! I am sorry but i have to find out what is going to happen next.
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