Reviews for Peace - A New Concept
Aurenia chapter 8 . 4/17/2017
Hi there,

Only eight chapters in, but I am enjoying this take on the whole Revan thing along with the knight and a sith and Marr and a smuggler, nice twist. I am going to finish both, this has been very entertaining.
Foxfirerose chapter 43 . 11/3/2016
What a wonderful story this is...I loved every word of it. And now I can look forward to your new one!:)
mickeymcp chapter 12 . 9/2/2016
Excellent chapter! I wouldn't have thought of Marr as someone who pined for anyone, and it's an interesting twist on such a powerful Sith Lord who probably has never been told no.
Ihsan997 chapter 43 . 7/7/2016
That was quite the journey!
I have to admit, I did feel like I don't know enough about Star Wars at some points, but there are apparently like three or four different wiki websites so I was able to educate myself on some points and just ask you about others. Apparently, Marr is also a canon character? Now I'm wondering who else is from the game...

...anyway, that was a smooth transition into the next story. I must admit, I find myself kind of hoping that your two main couples get a break...they could probably use the peace and quiet while their kids do all the work.
Thanks so much for the story; I may not have taken a deeper look at the fandom had I not been shown an in depth story like this!
Ihsan997 chapter 42 . 7/6/2016
It seems that every thread was wrapped up or resolved, except for Marr's vision...I'm assuming that's far in the future anyway. But you did a good job of making sure that there aren't any lingering questions.
Ihsan997 chapter 41 . 7/6/2016, I'd only expected Vythius to shock him a few times. He's quite the hateable villain. Marr has his hilt...I assume he'll make it, but there are two chapters left instead of one...
Ihsan997 chapter 40 . 7/6/2016
Omg, Vythius is like Clara's dad...this is much heavier than incompetent kidnappers and the other villains.
Ihsan997 chapter 39 . 7/5/2016
Vythius is very sneaky, but from what I, he's a villain, but he wouldn't be rare among Sith, right? Is this the normal sort of enemy-making that Marr warned Cleo about? I expected him to mean that he had many Jedi enemies, but the Sith even seem to be antagonistic toward other Sith.
Ihsan997 chapter 38 . 7/3/2016
My god, that was much heavier than the rest of the story! I don't think any of them were challenged like that. I also was impressed by how the major drama happened *after* the death of a villain; that's hard to pull off because we often want to write about a living villain to hate, which is easier.

But because her dad is gone, I was wrong (again) about him being the climactic villain...I guess it's Vythius?
Ihsan997 chapter 37 . 7/2/2016
Oh my god
Ihsan997 chapter 36 . 7/2/2016
The orange light creating amber on the dress makes sense...but nothing happened. Her crazy dad isn't there. Will the vision turn out to be wrong? We're toward the end here but her dad is still somewhere out there...
Ihsan997 chapter 35 . 7/1/2016
We have our second marriage in the story so far! It seems that Clara and Xander started the story off, but Cleo and Marr took much of the second half. I'm not sure what's left, but I'll say this: this is one of the few stories where I didn't cheat and check the last chapter before finishing the rest of the story, so I still have no idea how this will end.
Ihsan997 chapter 34 . 6/30/2016
I'm sick today, so I'm resting and have plenty of time to keep reading. I might have to read a little more here...her dad wants to what? Seriously? Now I get why he's called a crazy old man.
Ihsan997 chapter 33 . 6/29/2016
So the slavers and gangs, from what I understand, were run of the mill thugs and not as bad as I suspected. Honestly I don't think any of my predictions have been correct so far. Hat's off to you for keeping things interesting, but I am fairly sure that Clara's father being alive will be dramatic.
Ihsan997 chapter 32 . 6/29/2016
We still don't know *who* is behind this though...I don't think it could by Vythius, he seems clueless. I have a theory but I'm keeping it to myself for now...
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