Reviews for An Endless Road
cait123 chapter 1 . 3/5/2019
awesome hope you update
riverajyg chapter 17 . 1/11/2016
You still here?
courtney.hall.12 chapter 2 . 1/4/2016
I wonder what this big thing is! poor Manic chin up!
BriAnna Oldfield chapter 2 . 12/28/2015
I LOVED IT! But what did manic do?
June Dune chapter 18 . 11/6/2015
"Oh, yeah, I'll review your chapter!" *two weeks pass*

Heh, sorry, now you've gotten a taste of what I'm usually like. XP

But anyway, Halloween! It's great how you write what each character does as seemingly casual and part of their lives. Then again, you've been doing that amazingly the whole story. So keep doing what you're doing!

Grr, Knuckles, you shy guy! I like to see him all considerate; it's cute. And you put me in for a loop for a second when Manic asked (albeit jokingly) if his time with Sally was going to be a date. I was like, "I better not be all wrong about my pairing predictions!" XP But, nah, write how you want the story to unfold; I won't complain, don't worry.

Ooh, the Fiona and Sonia bit was probably the most interesting part. She seems cool and doesn't seem like she's the cause of all Scourge's trouble, but I could be wrong. And I liked how you brought up directly about how Scourge might've become a bully/jerk. I can't wait for the answer~.

So hopefully, that makes up for reviewing so late. Keep writing! :)
riverajyg chapter 1 . 10/25/2015
Oh...and i love how your introducing characters one by one...really keeps the story going and a good way to surprise readers
riverajyg chapter 18 . 10/25/2015
Oh boy...looks like Sonia might get into some trouble...that is if she decides to give Scroug a piece of her mind...again...anyways...a author like you is very rare...keeping the characters IN character...No shipping flames...and best of all...Sally and Amy are best that's how it should be...and I'm also a fan of unique shipping and Sonic Underground of course...hope to see more in the future...And good luck on this one of a kind story.
Random Person chapter 18 . 10/22/2015
This is probably one of the best high school AU's I've ever read. I'm very impressed. I find your takes on characters very interesting. Honestly the ships are very unique, I rather like that. Better yet, you didn't resort to character bashing, or the typical over usage of OCs (I can't tell you how annoying some people get with it)
I really like how Rouge is considered mischievous in this story, it's more true to her character rather than being bffs with the good girls. Amy AND Sally are portrayed beautifully, which is extremely rare. I also like how Amy's crush isn't relevant. She actually seems like her own pardon with her own problems in this story.

-Sally seems to be the only SatAM character shown, will the others make cameos?
-is every ship concrete? Or will there be break ups or conflict, like Rouge competing with Sonia for Knuckles for example.

I really want to know what Scourge's deal is. Honestly he seems to be lacking as a villain in the story, especially since he doesn't seem like much of a threat. Maybe if I know the reason he's a jerk he'll seem more appealing. I hope he's not the only villain or bully forever.
JellyfishSoup chapter 18 . 10/19/2015
Oh Knuckles, you're so awkward around girls :)
kookies15 chapter 17 . 10/8/2015
Ps::::::I don't know if you know but...In the Sonic Underground series...Knuckles has a great grandfather...Great Grandfather Ather...that's his name...Just saying...You said he was adopted so yeah...
Twin-books chapter 17 . 10/8/2015
Wow! I absolutely adore this story! I was practically dying of excitement because the story was so amazing and I couldn't tear my eyes away from the words. It was probably a good thing for my racing heart to reach the end of this chapter but I can't help but complain a little. Who wouldn't? I mean this story is amazing. Every character acts just like how I would imagine them to act. I can't even describe how much I love this. I especially love how every character has their own story but it still focuses on the sibs! Oh, and boy was I excited about the couples! I love all of these couples. I remember being surprised when I first heard of ManicxSally but then I was like, "How come I didn't think of that?" I did notice a few grammars errors in a few chapters but other than that I am completely satisfied with everything. I have tons of questions too and I honestly feel like I'm rambling on but I just have so much to say. I love Scourge's character and it is interesting how he seems to have a similar trigger to Manic at wrong doing. Quite interesting... I wonder who was talking to Scourge on the phone and why that person seemed to bother him? As I was reading through this story I actually didn't find it a surprise that Silver and Blaze were the first to get together. Man! I had so many things I wanted to say but I can't remember them all! Worthless memory bank. I guess I should just mention my favorite character, huh? It's more like characters. Ironically, Manic and Silver are my favorite characters so you can only imagine my excitement as I read this story. Anyway, I LOVE this story so much and I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us readers! :D
June Dune chapter 17 . 10/8/2015
Longest wait for longest chapter. Seems pretty fair to me. :)

And I knew you were going to prove me wrong about the pairings. Curse you, Silver and Blaze and your cute antics! I shake my fist at thee. XP Still, very sweet.

Aww, and Knuckles, too! I'm not a fan of random hugs, so I would probably flinch or, even worse, shove them away. But he was so nice, especially with his apology and all that afterwards. I don't want this to turn into a pairing-focused story (which I know you're not doing), but these hints and nudges are plain adorable.

And Manic teasing Silver about Blaze...that's so him. :P

Anyway, I'm curious now as to see what's happening with Scourge. Is he being blackmailed? Or is a family member or caretaker of his hurting him at home? Is he being bullied by people not at their school? Hmm, speculation abounds from this bit of info Manic eavesdropped on!

I'm not sure if I mentioned it in an earlier review, but I was wondering how Scourge became this way. I mean, something had to have happened in order for him to become like this. It would be kinda unrealistic if he was mean just for the fun of it.

Great chapter and I can't wait for the next one! :D
kookies15 chapter 17 . 10/7/2015
Aawwwwwwwww...i really hope we see some shipping soon...and i freaked out in my mind when Silver kinda admitted that he and Blaze were dating...I was so happy...And again...I'm LOVING over protective Knuckles,...that was such a sweet moment with him and Sonia...And aw man...Why won't Shadow share his feelings...oh well...hope you update real soon...and I've literally waited for 3 months for a chapter to a story I liked before so don't rush ok...good luck on this amazing story
AnotherUnusualParadox chapter 16 . 10/5/2015
Definitely not bad, even in the slighest. A little short maybe, but it doesn't really matter since the pacing for the story so far is set very nicely. Each chapter leading up to Manic's revelation to Knux added to the mystery and kept me wanting to read more. It has an excellent hook and great cast of characters. Each character thus far has been kept flawlessly in-character and have interesting dynamics. The AU part of it is a bit of a mash-up of several Sonic continuities, the games, Sonic Underground, and Archie with a healthy dose of stock OC characters. Nevertheless, it's a great read with no visible errors in grammar or spelling and you tell the story quite masterfully. I don't usually read fanfics from start to finish like I did this one, so congrats on reeling me in as a reader. I'll be looking forward to future updates.


P.S. I'm hoping we see a little actual shipping going on. There have been hints, but nothing solid yet. My bet is Knux and Sonia, just because they already seem to know a great deal about each other in such a short time and seem the likliest to start dating first, followed by Silver and Blaze and, finally, Manic and Sally. I'll admit, this last one threw me for a loop the first time I read it. I'd never heard of this pairing, yet so far it seems to be working. Laters!
kookies15 chapter 16 . 9/30/2015
BOOM...NO WAY...YOU LEFT ME ON A CLIFF HANGER!Man...I really want to know what he's going to say...anyways...thank you for another great chapter...and i actually agree with the others that Knuckles and Sonia are going to be the first to get just makes so much sense...that or either because Knuconia is my # 1 OTP...Silvaze is second...hope you update soon!:-D :-D :-D :-D
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