Reviews for Crossover
Black chapter 2 . 11/7/2017
Where is chapter 3.
LunaSoraYamiMoonlightCrystal chapter 2 . 7/18/2016
Please update!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/12/2015
Good chapter, I hope we can see tsubasa origin soon, but the way went r u going to update crimson stars? because I'm dying of waiting.
Shimmering-Sky chapter 1 . 9/10/2015
Heeeeeey, this story! You mentioned it to me, what, last week? This is cool!

I'm liking it so far, and I really can't wait to see the next chapter. Update soon!
Sweetly Nera chapter 1 . 9/10/2015
Okay, first thing's first, Yuya is fifteen already, yet he is still being bullied by, well, bullies. Though this is a matter of opinion, I do not believe that Yuya would dive to get the pendant, since that would be suicide in reality, depending on how deep the water is. Oh, that's right, where is Gongenzaka and Yuzu in this, or the kids for that matter? I'm sure at least 1 of them would have accompanied it, unless he was on a stroll or running an errand.

Now, I want to mention this: this is all merely my opinion, and I am not trying to insult you. Though, I do want to see your story improve and go far. XD I'm not a heavy grammar Nazi, but I would suggest rereading your chapters before you upload them, because a lot of incorrect sentence structures and/or missing words can change the flow of the whole story. Seriously, read it aloud to yourself.

So, Tsubasa (an iconic name) has the same dream as Yuya, which is to become an Entermate duelist, like Sakaki Yusho. However, Tsubasa, losing her motivation to duel, decides to instead support Yuya reaching that dream instead. And the question is, why? Sure she has lost her motivation to duel, but why is she so supportive of her brother, enough to follow him across dimensions that is? It is explained that Tsubasa has become attached to her foster father, and you mentioned that you will explain her story further in detail, yet why is she so attached to Yuya, even as an elderly sister? In my opinion, just having a responsibility isn't enough to motivate someone as much as Tsubasa is motivated, but perhaps you can enlighten me with further ideas. XD

Now then... "help" needs to be changed to "Helping", within the summary. Other than that, you might want to be more specific within the summary as to whether Sakaki Tsubasa is Yuya's younger or older sister. And, I would add in more details, but I feel as if this is good enough information. XD If you read this all, I thank you for your time and patience, and I hope to see your story go far!

Well... before I leave, I want to mention my story, and perhaps some self-advertising. XD I have recently posted an Arc-V fanfic called, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V Distortion of Dimensions" which is a story about Yuya's sister whom is my OC. While our stories are completely different, and the fact that you seem to like the "abandoned child" concept, it is nice to see two stories with Yuya having a sister. XD Anyways, if you have time, do check out my story!

Also, random shout out to you, Mcdinh, and to your story, "Crystallization" ! I don't know if you remembered, but I read that thing around the time it was released and I really like your stories, so keep on doing the great work!
Ulrich362 chapter 1 . 9/10/2015
Interesting start, I'm interested in seeing where this goes and learning more about Tsubasa. Looking forward to the update.
Coral the Leviathan chapter 1 . 9/10/2015
This is a good chapter. I have a feeling the story itself will get better, perhaps as good as or better than the 5D's fanfiction of yours. But it's just a hunch.

I have a slight feeling that Tsubasa is from the Fusion Dimension, but I might be wrong or paranoid.