Reviews for I Walk the Line
Halofan2117 chapter 36 . 5/20
I love your story and hope to see more soon.
And I know what it's like to be depressed although I've never been that depressed but I know people who have been.
It'll take a while but things will get better you'll see.
ProwlSIC chapter 36 . 8/21/2019
It’s been over 2 years...
Tamane Deverel chapter 7 . 6/17/2019
Hey! I know it’s been a while since you posted on this last but I started reading and I gotta say I really like it. Your writing is pretty solid, although you do skip over details in scenes that might help flesh the scene out and draw your audience in. Other than that though your writing is good, but the main attraction is you have some pretty good ideas. Like Chaser for example; really clever idea for a Danny Phantom villain and he has a similar vibe to some of the villains from the show in that he has a distinct overall theme that lends itself to his special powers, and fits into a distinct personality archetype. And the GIW offering the full ride scholarship to Valerie-that gives me an idea for a story based around that idea, although I’d probably finagle things so Jazz is in that position since I prefer her to Valerie. :)
And of course the ghost class taught by a member of the GIW; I didn’t see that coming and works really well for building drama. Excellent work!
Eyriegirl chapter 36 . 6/11/2019
This is amazing! I just binged this whole fic and I am so impressed with your writing skills. I know it has been a while since you posted anything, but I figured such a great story deserves acknowledgement even if it is on hiatus.
BitterWolf chapter 36 . 5/21/2019
are u ever going to continue the story at all? I do want to see how it will end
Guest chapter 36 . 9/2/2018
Hey! I just wanted to thank you for writing this masterpiece! You’re an amazing author and writer and write about these characters so well! Anyway, thanks for writing as much as you did if this sorry, it was so amazing to read. So yah. Thanks.
Catzooa chapter 36 . 9/2/2018
You are an awesome writer and an amazing person! I really love this story so far and find it incredibly interesting. I know it has been a little over a year since your last update and I hope you are doing good in life. You promised us you wouldn't quit on us so I am willing to wait however much longer you need. I do hope that you can update soon though because this book is truly amazingly awesome! I really liked this chapter, just like I have all the others, and I am really looking forwards to seeing the rest of the plot unfold. Good luck on your journey through life and remember there will be and are always people who appreciate your existence. People love you and your stories, and think that you are amazing. Thanks for creating this absolutely amazingly awesome story and living!
Catzooa chapter 9 . 8/31/2018
Hey, it is August 31, 2018 when I am reading this. That is very amusing.
Janelle22 chapter 36 . 8/15/2018
I LOVE THIS! I’m so sorry for what’s happening in your life but if you can, CONTINUE!
Christian Nine-Tailed Dragon chapter 36 . 8/7/2018
this is one of the best fanfics I've read in a while and I've been reading here a loooong time congrats you've impressive *raises glass* here's to you
CrimsontheBloodyDemonKing chapter 36 . 4/22/2018
Too busy IRL to write fanfiction?
Sam Manson Repilica chapter 17 . 10/9/2017
Omg this chapter was perfect my heart is so full. I loved danny and Sam's date and the I love yous. I hate Pamela Manson so much. I know danny and sam will prevail. I can't wait to see what's going on with this physic connection.
Marines 94 chapter 36 . 9/10/2017
When the next chapter in this amazing story, that last part where danny threaten Charlie's gave me goosebumps
Inkpressed16 chapter 36 . 7/24/2017
I just wanted to let you know that I found this fic about a week ago, and it completely blew me away. I've read hundreds of fics over the year and a half or so I used before deciding make an account BECAUSE OF YOUR STORY. I enjoyed both the dialogue, plot and characterization you have used. Your lyrical selection for each chapter was positively immaculate, and quite tasteful (though I am biased to my own musical preference). I particularly appreciate the relationship depth you've added to Sam and Danny's relationship with the mental link, not all of the attempts I've read have been comfortable to read or character accurate in my opinion. Jazz's involvement was a necessary leap that the show started but was unable to take to the level necessary, especially on account of the trauma they all encounter. Ghost language also clarifies the divide between humans and the ghost zone.
You did a splendid job making Tucker more than the cookie cutter comical relief and his response to Danny and Sam is exactly how I imagine it to be. And I think it's wonderful that his parents are aware and understanding of Danny and the whole situation. Sam's Grandma is kick ass and my hero! Dani is perfect. Your description of the trio as they've grown is perfect, especially since Tucker and Danny are both tall. Love the Danny Jazz siblings ship (and her sign when picking them up).
Making Sam an artist is perfect for her and so is Danny both getting into sculptures and supporting jazz in school. And don't get me started on the arranged marriage! It's such a great test and catalyst to the story and relationship, and its so believable! Her parents *internal scream*.
Danny's sanctum? Gee, can I have one? Your understanding of the characters is even more apparent in their individual rooms! And the gym, wow. Great setting for all kinds of hardcore conversations.
Then there's Dani, the looming alternative time lines, Dan, Vlad, and that perfect Valerie POV! Her understanding and chill about Sam and Danny (as friends, no matter what she says) is perfect. Danny's got a hero complex? She's even worse, and it's perfect how much she wants to be their friend, and protect them...maybe her knowing won't be as bad. Danny needs some hardcore back up.
Dani? So sweet. So fierce. So Danny and Sam. Sam's reaction to parenthood is perfect. So much love, so much concern, so much fear of what her parents are like. And papa Danny? He's so sweet and protective it's like, go figure? Obviously adjustment period is inevitable but I think they'll pull through just fine if not stronger. And maybe Valerie was willing to kill Dani's cousin, but father? Danny? Love of Sam's life? Doesn't seem as likely to me, especially if she finds out about her involvement with cloning process. Them as parents in combination with their gifts to one another just proves the level of match that apparently only Ida sees. His bracelet. *tear*
The GIW. FUCKERS! *cough* Sorry. I can't even. The feels. The rescue. The everything. Jazz getting shot. Gahhhhhhhh.
This is literally the tip of the iceberg. I can't express my appreciation for this story and your work. I don't just like the characters and their dynamics, I feel them. I don't just enjoy the plot, I'm enamored by it.
I'm so sorry you've gone through the wringer. I know what it feels like to be hit from all sides of life, and I hope you continue to be better and happy, both for you and my own alterior motives and attachment to your story. I'm still getting a hang of this new account thing, but if you ever want someone to proof read, or just chat about stuff, let me know. I'm a good ear and can even give feedback, life or literature.
Thank you so much for sharing your talent and obvious passion for your work. I can't wait to see how it continues to develop.
Guest chapter 36 . 7/18/2017
Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better, just remember that you have those amazing friends for yours and plenty of people (including myself) on FFN that are here for you. I understand the feeling of anxiety and depression as I have both as well but you seem to have a astounding amount of people who will try to help you. I hope you and your grades get better asap. Now for the story bit, it's AMAZING! One of my favorite's now definitely. I do get nervous at times that Danny and Sam will break up though but that's just me having Dxs as my otp in the Dp universe. And I love that long chapters you write and I'll definitely be here in the long run, long story's are my fave tbh. My only true thing is that how you write Danny kinda makes him seem and bit wimpy and weak but that might just be me liking a different character style for him, but I hope you could maybe write him a but less wimpy for the future. And also ELLIE! I love her, and how you've put her, I also like her having a different name than Dani, it's a okay name but to me Ellie just fits her perfectly. And I have some small idea's of what's happening but not much, you are very good at giving just enough to hint and not enough to give it away early. Well I should probably end this monster of a review here, I hope everything goes better. Love, Joy Phantom
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