Reviews for The Canary Cry (The Arrowverse Chronicles 1)
BW chapter 3 . 10/2/2018
Hmph. Damian was trained to be an assassin since birth. Very recently has he had much social interaction besides being spoiled through the League's treatment of him (due to being both the Grandson of the Demon, and being Ibn al Xu'ffasch). I am unsure about if it is true that 'most' people 'hate' him.
DW chapter 2 . 10/2/2018
Yes, FeFe is so much calmer than that Archer (snickers)... and old Arthur Light is back? The guy who was quite indirectly responsible for Brother Eye? (snickers)... and I find reading Dickens far more entertaining than listening to a meeting where grown men and women quarrel like toddlers over toys... (snickers)
JT chapter 1 . 10/2/2018
Bruce... huh... and a ward... wondering if it's Golden Boy, Replacement, the Demon Brat... or the best one (wink).
Guest chapter 49 . 7/23/2017
That was an amazing story. I read it all in one go which is unfortunate since I started at 11 pm. Anyway, this was a great read, please keep up the good work.
Master Skywalker 121 chapter 43 . 5/27/2017
Fuck Colton. One of my OC's would kill him and ensure he can't come back. Also Trigon is coming, so that's not good. Keep up the wonderful work you do.
Master Skywalker 121 chapter 7 . 5/25/2017
I hope Isabel dies. Fuck her. Pardon my language. Keep up the wonderful work you do.
Twilight's Enchantress chapter 49 . 4/25/2017
Really great job on this fanfic! Can't wait for more:)
Alexandra Rylie chapter 17 . 2/23/2017
I can't help but agree. in the show they mentioned (or at least gave the idea) that Felicity was like a light for Oliver. uh, yeah...I love this story if only because of how many references you sneak in here. good job! I actually forget that Jerome was the Joker for a second there, until my brother and I started arguing about which is the best villain ever. yep, we are nerds.
ReemasB chapter 14 . 2/23/2017
So I've been waiting till I got further into the story to comment again cause I didn't want to have several ongoing threads with you in this but BOY OH BOY AM I GETTING INTO THIS.

Okay so, first off, having Bruce in this with Damian was pretty gnarly from the start. Then you MANAGED TO BRING IN DIANA AND I'M LIKE "OH MY WORD" like that was great. And then you brought up Karen Beecher and I'm like "okay I remember a Karen off of something, there's no reason why it'd be randomly mentioned if it wasn't important" and BOOM IT'S BUMBLEBEE! I'm super excited to see the Justice League become a thing from here on out!

Okay, then Slade has been getting more and more interesting too. I mean, the fact that he's developing feelings for Felicity while also wanting to hurt her because of Oliver is driving me nuts because I KNOW there's this odd relationship with them and his mindset is always so unpredictable, like, "Does Slade wanna bone Felicity or does he wanna slit her throat right now?" I CAN NEVER TELL AND IT GIVES ME ANXIETY AND I LOVE IT.

Also, super glad I got to spot some of Colton's interactions with Felicity that were more violent. He really does give me the creeps, and I'm glad Slade knows enough to take the guy out, and I'm super interested to see how far his abilities go in this.

Also, I don't know if it's just me, but I'm low key shipping Sara & Felicity in this. That's just me, I don't know.
BlackCanary3341 chapter 48 . 2/19/2017
The Justice League is finally formed...and Rachel must be alive going by the last paragraph of this chapter...good work and I can wait for the sequel of this story! This is one of the best stories on this site...please don't stop writing!
BlackCanary3341 chapter 47 . 2/19/2017
The funeral was so sad I actually cried. Hopefully Felicity, Slade abs Cisco recover from this. What have Gul and Grant been hired to do next? Good chapter!
BlackCanary3341 chapter 46 . 2/13/2017
oh no...Rachel's dead! I didn't see that coming...but she died a hero. I feel like sobbing...anyway good chapter and I can't wait for the next update
Whitemiko12 chapter 46 . 2/13/2017
Is the final line, 'Rachel Roth never woke up. She died.' Indicating that she has moved on to being Raven?
Naitch03 chapter 46 . 2/13/2017
Berlanti? Guggenheim? Mercille? Is that you?

Congratulations on creating a fully realized Freddy Kruger as he was originally intended to be. Terrifying as fuck.

Question- is Laurel dead? I don't remember her dying.
ReemasB chapter 8 . 2/12/2017
oh my god did you just canonically make DeadpoolDeathstroke brothers or am I looking too into this because I LOVE IT
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