Reviews for Fighting Spirits II
LoneWolfX chapter 12 . 3/24/2019
Hey I read both of your stories FS1 and this. They were both awesome But you can't leave it LIKE THIS. I demand an epilogue miss. *sigh* but I know you aren't gonna update anyways great fic.
~ LoneWolfX
Jakumo1 chapter 12 . 11/26/2011
AH! Where's the rest of the story? 0.o
Rachel chapter 12 . 6/13/2010
Absolutely love this story and the previous one. You should definitely think about continuing sometime!
Minx The Shadow Thief chapter 12 . 7/14/2006
can you update please *chibi face*

max: not the face,NOT THE FACE

tyson: *screams like a little girl and feints*

me: what?

kai: you're normally violent to us seeing you ,dare i say it,cute is well weird..

me: you like me volent *holds up frying pan* i'll give you violent


max & kai: .

tyson: *still knocked uot and many bruises*

ray: *fine* -.-; please continue
Sugar911 chapter 12 . 4/23/2006

Sailor Mayuka chapter 12 . 8/23/2005

Achika:*flings cat into the backyard*DIEE!

SM:It's already dead... ._.; I LOVE THIS! I NEED MOREE!... *blink* Bye,bye!

Sailor Mayuka,RETURNS! MWAHAHAHAHA-*hack*cough* X.x
someguy chapter 12 . 1/27/2005
wow, its been awhile, ive been waiting for ur last chap for *looks at watch* around 2 years so far XP.

oh well if ur busy i cant do much, but do u think u could at least right a short epilogue to wrap everything up? *puppy dog eyes*

well this fanfic series got me into reading fanfics, and i would really like to see this finished. Your chapters got better with each one.

This is one of the few humour stories that i liked/like, as some tried to be too slapstick, but u were able to keep the story going at the same time, while adding believable happenings with alright grammar.

So please would you write an epilogue or something *goes on knees and begs* :p

Going back to this fic brought back really good memories, i started reading all of my reviews, ah the memories.

So hope you at least wrap the fic up, best to you, i would read any of ur future works.

Adios Amigo(dances off into the sunset singing all of the endings)

(This review is licensed and copyrighted by me, someguy, actually no but meh , p.s. all my endings seems so bizarre to me now XP)
takeBACK chapter 12 . 1/27/2005
Great plz write more...if there is more. Oh ya plz email me if you do write more or if you do anpther syory!
Stariana chapter 12 . 11/13/2004
O so pretty...WTF? O.o dude where did that come from? ... well uhh keep up the good work and update soon! Pwease? *Does the puppy dog eyes*

_ Well Arigatou!

Kailean chapter 12 . 10/14/2004
Were you planning on updating sometime this decade? We fans have been waiting!
Kailean chapter 12 . 9/21/2004
PULLEESSEE hurry up and write more!
Falling tears chapter 12 . 8/22/2004
Please please please update soon. i loce reading your fanfics!
Kai-Dranzer chapter 9 . 8/14/2004
great story. update soon, ya!
Zara Moro chapter 12 . 7/3/2004
Hello, and let me say, wow. I have just read both Fighting Spirits and Fighting Spirits II, and I adored them. Simply wonderful. And this is coming from some one who isn't always big on romances. Keep up the good work.

P.S. Sora, that lucky girl, she gets Kai all to herself.
MegaDragon chapter 12 . 6/28/2004
Keep going! You keep going! (P.S Poor Tyson dont have a girl friend... : ( )
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