Reviews for The Dreamer
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 18 . 1/13
If Han and Yoda are both telling Luke to do something, he better do it. They can't both be wrong, can they? Star Wars is essentially deciding which opinion is better...
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 17 . 1/13
Ugh, I have the Plateau of Leng. Horrible place.
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 16 . 1/13
Aw, I'm sorry, Sara. Be careful about Bryan, okay?
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 14 . 1/13
Always loved that episode. Diana having an honest, intimate talk with Neal was amazing.
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 7 . 1/12
I really do want Neal to get his pHD, you know. He deserves it.
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 4 . 1/12
Neal is brilliant at spotting forged stuff. Makes sense he'd spot a mistake that real life experts have missed.
Also, Neal and Sara is the couple. Like Peter and El. Just... Baton-wielding con-children.
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 3 . 1/12
Ooh, the Dutchman. Love him, even if I way prefer this him to canon him. Both versions, actually. And, well, Richard, SFX has certain connotations too... Lion King, anyone?
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 2 . 1/11
I an getting freaky vibes of Henry being the less dependent on/close to dad son but still Peter's.

Also, I have a terrible terrible joke in mind about Noelle and El...

Also also, I adore Neal in art authenticator mode. He is brilliant.
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 1 . 1/11
Heh, Neal is exactly the kind of guy who would return Peter's car after leaving him stranded somewhere. Classic pre-series relationship.
Mar Jan 53 chapter 16 . 3/9/2019
I have a stuffed giraffe Named Raffi or Rafael more formally
PastOneonta chapter 19 . 1/9/2017
This was very good, the development of friendships and relationships is very good. Neal has friends, family, co-workers, co-students in his life that are important to him. There's Mozzie, who has been a friend to Neal and who is becoming a central figure with his own story and relationships. Neal studying art, discussing the style of famous painters and artists, and uncovering forgeries is very interesting. He is incredibly knowledgeable about art, museums, shows, art history.

The setting of a ski resort seemed perfect for this time of year for me personally! The lodge was lovely, Neal as a piano bar singer was perfect. I was worried when Peter and Neal were caught by Rinaldi. The van crashing down a mountainside with them bouncing around was stressful, but hiking out in the snow not dressed properly was scary too. Peter and his experience with winter sports saved their lives. I appreciated Neal's concern for Mandy and how he didn't want to hurt her. It's not his problem or fault but I think it is what makes him different from many other law enforcing characters.

I enjoyed the Dutchman storyline, remembering that from the series. It fits here very well, and I hope we see more of the search for this art restorer and forger in future stories.

How did Rinaldi find out about the FBI? Who is behind the scenes running Ydrus? Is there really specifically a plan for Neal? What is Henry doing hunting Adler? And is it for Win-Win or to protect Neal? I have questions and enthusiasm! Some of the questions may be answered in upcoming stories! I am so fortunate there are more completed stories to catch up on. Looking forward to it!
KeJae chapter 19 . 1/29/2016
Aw, so many questions :( All well, at least the story continues next week so we'll at least see progress soon :) I like how Peter is eager to get the picture now that they've identified Hagen. My guess as to the mystery speaker is Bryan and that the 'she' is Rebecca, but I could be wrong ;)
wotumba1 chapter 19 . 1/28/2016
wow, what an end!
i'm sure glad there will be a next Story, can't just leave us hanging here
Gzimmer3 chapter 19 . 1/28/2016
Fabulous as always! Looking forward to the next!
KeJae chapter 18 . 1/23/2016
I love the drama of the crash and the bear (of course the bear just has to chase Neal ;)! I'm looking forward to the reactions to their adventures... and imaging some not believing them as that was a wild night :)

By the way, in 17 Diana noted that the call was from a cell phone before being rerouted through a land line, but in 18 Travis said that it came from the land line but could have been rerouted.
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