Reviews for Written On My Heart
I'd-Rather-Be-A-Winchester chapter 12 . 2/6/2016
This series just gets better and better and I am staying up way too late reading it.
ArtistKurai chapter 12 . 10/8/2015
I love how you've been ending your ANs with "I have a wedding to plan" lol. It's amusing. I think this last chapter was a little rushed, but it was still good. It shows potential for Sam, Brooke, and Trevor as a family. I liked very much. Poor Trevor, though. The poor kid just wanted a fun evening with his mom, dad, uncle, grandma, and archangel. Is that really too much to ask? And when are Brooke and Trevor going to meet the rest of the family? Because I can see Dean and Trevor getting along well. I can't wait to see what happens next to our ragtag little (big) family!
ArtistKurai chapter 11 . 10/6/2015
Awwww! Tons of awwww in this chapter. It was so sweet! And I love that Cas's first thought is to smite the guys lol. He's been spending too much time with Dean. I like the sibling relationship you've written for Claire and Alex. I can see them getting along, what with their similar circumstances. And Jody totally loves having a family again. I really enjoyed this chapter.
ArtistKurai chapter 10 . 10/5/2015
I don't know why, but I think my favorite part of this chapter is Sam's thoughts at the end. There's almost a relief to them. He actually does have a peaceful life right now, despite the drama of finding out he has a whole other family he never knew he had. It's the kind of peace he didn't have even with Jess because of the secrets and underlying conflict with his family. I just live the way you concluded this chapter. Sorry about the random rant lol. I also love how everyone's first reaction to a gunshot is drawing their own gun lol. Except Meredith, who grabbed a knife. It was just funny and quirky, and it made me smile. I can't wait to find out what's going on with Claire.
ArtistKurai chapter 9 . 10/4/2015
So many feels! Me lovesh the feels. And Trevor was so adorable. He's definitely a Winchester. You can't be a Winchester and not be completely cute. I liked this chapter so much. Trevor's reaction to meeting Sam wasn't quite what I expected to happen, but it was way sweeter that anything I coulda cooked up. I can't wait to see what happens next in the story.
ArtistKurai chapter 8 . 10/3/2015
Lol I loved that AN at the end there. And I loved seeing Sam interacting with Kit, even if it was only a little. I totally wouldn't mind seeing some more Uncle Sammy (insert SG's 'Of course you wouldn't' lol) but I'm also really looking forward to seeing what happens with Sam and Brooke in the next chapter. Is Sam going to tell her everything, including the whole angel soulmate thing? Or is he going to wait for things to just happen before he tells her? So many interesting questions lol.
ArtistKurai chapter 7 . 10/2/2015
I think my favorite is Brooke telling Dean that her mother was trying to set her up with Gabriel. I would love to see some jokes come out of that lol. Dean can ask Gabe if it hurt when he fell from Heaven. I can see it. I liked this chapter a lot. It was kind of low-key, but that's perfectly fine. It was still a really good chapter. And Meredith must have been dead to not hear Kit crying so much lol. I can't wait to see what happens next.
ArtistKurai chapter 6 . 10/1/2015
This chapter was so stinkin sweet! I seriously loved it. Daddy Dean is the best thing ever, and I'm enjoying daddy Sam just as much. I can't wait to find out what Sam decides to do about Brooke and Trevor.
ArtistKurai chapter 5 . 9/30/2015
Awwww! Squirrel's little Kit is here! Yay! I'm so excited to see Dean and Sam meeting her. I kinda wish Dean could've been there with Meredith when Kit was born, but yeah, Dean kinda forgot that angels can teleport lol. And I loved Gabriel in this chapter. Gabriel is my favorite angel, after Cas, so it's awesome seeing him come back. And that plot twist he brought with him! I totally didn't see that coming. This chapter was great!

As for you grammatical side note, I know archangel would be capitalized when used as a title (i.e. the Archangel Gabriel). But I think if it's not being specifically used as a title for a specific person, then it can be written in lowercase. I'm not completely positive, but that's what I remember from elementary school Phonics.
ArtistKurai chapter 4 . 9/29/2015
I would much rather deal with ghosts. I'm already used to lots of random creaks and noises and things falling over on their own, and now I know what to do if the ghost started getting cranky. But a baby daddy? No way. I don't have enough emotional stability to handle that. And yay! Sam met and talked with Brooke! Now I'm just ready for him to meet Trevor. Can't wait for the next chapter.
ArtistKurai chapter 3 . 9/28/2015
Uh oh, things are starting off. And poor Claire, oh my gosh. I hate people that do something abhorrent and then make themselves the victim. It's just wrong. But I'm super excited to see what kind of drama comes up when Sam and Dean get to Reveille. And I couldn't help but think it funny that Dean called Sam a baby. Is that a little foreshadowing? Lol sorry. It was just too much to ignore. Ready for the next chapter!
ArtistKurai chapter 2 . 9/27/2015
Ahhhhhh! I love it! I like the big bro-little sis thing Sam and Claire have going on. It's sweet, and goodness knows Claire needs some stable role models in her life. That guy that attacked Claire needs to get a visit from Dean and Sam. They'll set him straight lol. I can't wait to see what happens next.
ArtistKurai chapter 1 . 9/26/2015
Wow, I didn't know the prologue to MSW broke you lol. And you're seriously awesome for advertising my story. I won't be posting MSW just yet. I need to write a few more chapters before that happens. But omg this first chapter was so awesome! I can't believe you're already posting it lol. Poor Dean's such a mess right now. But Meredith's right. He needs a vacation with Sam. Sam makes everything better ;) lol. I can't wait to see what happens next.