Reviews for Everyday Life as a Supporting Character
TheImpala97 chapter 144 . 8/1
You know a story is good when it leaves you with that weird feeling in your stomach after seeing it end. Even though it felt a little abrupt, thanks for finishing this story.
Buff Mimic chapter 144 . 6/27
You know... I read this back when it was still updating the second through 10th chapters in 2015. The world from then to now has changed a lot and a lot has happened to me in that time. But I am glad I always had this story to come back and reread from start to whatever finish was there at the time, but for there to be a finale now? Well it makes me slightly sad. I wanted to see more of this world and learn more of what you were building, but you were right. A finale was needed and you gave a wondrous finale. It's not much in the case of words, but I wish you luck in future endeavors and I'll be happy to read all of what you write in the future. This story was beautiful and I'm sorry for your loss. I hope any sadness from it doesn't leave you, but it fades so you can remember them happily without getting too teary about it. Thank you for this experience you called your story.
PlayStation chapter 69 . 6/15
Ps 5 is out
eseer chapter 69 . 5/31
h o t
eseer chapter 65 . 5/31
eseer chapter 57 . 5/31
50 trillion yen says he was gonna say "miss smith"
eseer chapter 47 . 5/31
i bet that his bed is looking like fucking aphrodite at this point
eseer chapter 20 . 5/30
i feel like if this was animated or some shit, if you could see BOTH of them during juyos vent, you coul the disappointment, the despair, the TRAGEDY crawling onto mero's face.
eseer chapter 8 . 5/30
i can so easily imagine this man committing a hate crime at this point.
eseer chapter 7 . 5/30
jiyai, when he snapped: MOON, SHINE DOWN!

eseer chapter 1 . 5/30
Lo and behold! The man lost from his world is put to work in the most soul-crushing of slave labor! Let not you devolve into the demon that parades itself in human skin, the one that names itself Smith!
Ger0nim0 chapter 144 . 4/14
What an ending. I am left speechless, for the most part. In the meantime, I think we this song will be fitting for this ending.

"Hey Jude" by The Beatles
ServantofElShaddai13 chapter 144 . 3/24
I really enjoyed the story.
Verdauga chapter 17 . 3/13
The Far Side, and white flowers associated with death? Sounds like a reaper plant lady of some sort and I am now super curious.
Verdauga chapter 14 . 3/13
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