Reviews for Lessons Learned
Ara Hannan chapter 1 . 3/15/2016
Just read this today! I loved the intro of Cass having to pin Hiro in her lap - I can sooo picture that!

And Tadashi passing out at the sight of blood - not something I would ever have guessed about him, but it was kind of hilarious. Poor, poor Cass...she's definitely got her hands full with those two.
BeautifulHalfBlood chapter 1 . 1/6/2016
Ha ha, I loved the end! I really love Tadashi and Hiro stories. It was an interesting look in Cass and I liked it. Very well written!
ToscaThorCat chapter 1 . 10/3/2015
...This sounds like my sister and I... learning things the hard way. like, don't sit on the cords to speakers. they will fall. and they will hit you. or always brush debris off of a trampoline before jumping, or you will slip on it. or don't run on concrete, you might fall and hurt yourself. or don't jump on the bed, you might fall and break an arm. or don't play ring around the rosie on slate. if you accidentally let go, you might get flung across the room by your freakishly strong big sister and break your nose... or to not attempt to take a cookie sheet out of the oven without mitts. (That was my sister, not me. and she was 15 at the time. she wasn't allowed to bake for a really long time after that...) My sister and I injure ourselves a lot in interesting ways... there are way too many to list. but all are amusing tales.
uponagraydawn chapter 1 . 10/1/2015
love you i love this i've read it so many times. you da bestttt:)