Reviews for Erase Me
ZaiaKai16 chapter 8 . 5/11
Wish I was around to have read the rest of the story but I understand your notice at the end. The parts of the story you left up were enough to catch my attention and this was a lovely story, all in all.
LiteratureManic chapter 8 . 3/19
Nooo. You killed me. Ive been looking for this story for ever. Now its gone
Sinister Hime chapter 8 . 12/25/2019
(I couldn't review since I already reviewed these chapters before, so here's my sneaking in as a guest- you can find me by the name tho)

I'm so super sad that you had to take this amazing story down.

But I get your concerns over it, even though I think nobody would accuse you of anything. TT Kinda sad though, I came in the hopes of revisiting memory lane; re-read some of my favorite chapters only to realize I was too late. I loved, and still do, your story so very much.

Despite everything, I still hope the best for you and Im glad I was able to read this story in its entirety once before; I can still reminisce. Best of luck with the publishing aspect of the world 3 Im sure many others will love your story the same way we all did.
PharaohHebaRy chapter 1 . 12/13/2019
This was one of my first yugioh fanfictions I've read and I love it! But then I come back to re-read it, and see that you've taken down most of it, makes me so sad
DiddlySquishyCheeks chapter 8 . 11/22/2019
HOLD UP. Okay, listen...This is the most calm and sane of a teacher/student relationship story I've seen in a fandom in YEARS. this includes original stories. but you've already stopped making this, huh? it saddens me, it really does. do you have any alternative accounts that you've posted this on? more complete and more lengthy? if you have, please tell me. I'd be ever so greatful to read more of this amazing story.
Adrienne Dark chapter 8 . 7/10/2019
May I know the name of that book, please? If I can’t keep reading one of my favorite stories, I’d like to read it. If you don’t mind I mean...
sakurhita chapter 8 . 1/5/2019
me encantoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
SpiritualPuzzle chapter 8 . 8/21/2018
I am so sad this has been taken down! I was so excited to find a female Yugi puzzleshipping story! I don't see many of them and I was really hoping to see this story from start to finish.

It's called fanfiction, it's not plagiarized, who ever thinks that is wrong! I guess all writers who rewrite stories or redo an ending of a series are plagiarizing! Oh well...

Sad to see this story over without an ending. But it was a good read and maybe one day you'll reupload it or share a link to somewhere else. Thanks for the good read!
luckyinugirl chapter 8 . 7/7/2018
And I was hoping to read such an exciting and amazing story again...
tea-chan of the shadowspirits chapter 8 . 6/22/2018
Well hell I was enjoying this story :(
Special Dork chapter 8 . 5/27/2018
T_T I really wanted to read it again... but we understand your concerns.
Aura Keeper chapter 8 . 5/23/2018
Aww I'm gonna miss this story.
KaguyaAmaterasu chapter 8 . 5/16/2018
Aw... That kinda sucks, but I understand! Could you tell me the name of your book? I really like this fanfic (I've re-read it several times) and I'd love to read your book as well!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/15/2018
I don't think you're plagiarizering anything, it's a beautiful story that I love. How long will it take for the whole story to come back? I loved the chapter that had Yugi overcoming her fears and singing on stage solo. Anyway, as a fan of this, all I can say is thank you for a beautiful story about overcoming ones fears, even in the face of adversity :)

P.S. Are there anymore stories that you've wrote that are like this?
SkyLokidottir chapter 8 . 5/15/2018
I really love this story and don't want you to take it all down.
I have already read this story two or three times and would like to read it more
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