Reviews for Benefits of old laws
OnaJB72 chapter 16 . 1h
I think you must be mad, and I like it.
OnaJB72 chapter 5 . 7/24
amazing writing so far
Guest chapter 57 . 7/23
I think it is fine calling them erker windows. Have also heard people call those type of windows- bay windows, bow windows, garden windows, and dormers. Not sure what if any the subtle differences are, but suspect most people wouldn't know either, unless in the window trade.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/21
All of Hogwarts, Dumbles and staff included, could have benefited from the occasional common sense pop quiz.
Sora'sOtherForm chapter 50 . 7/22
Wouldn't Theo refer to Harry as Henry?
Sora'sOtherForm chapter 12 . 7/20
also, save, instead of safe
Sora'sOtherForm chapter 12 . 7/20
I'm not sure if you are still monitoring the reviews for this story, but there are a few typos in this chapter that could be easily rectified. you use sight instead of sigh, and strife instead of strive
VashonBeader chapter 108 . 7/14
I did not see this coming, and absolutely love it. I had difficulty at the beginning of the story accepting that Voldemort wouldn't just start killing people randomly. But, I kept reading.

I loved the pace of this story, and the details. I love the character development, and the family scenes. I have loved reading this, and didn't know if the Dark Lord was going to survive.

Great job, just thoroughly, a wonderful job! I have enjoyed reading this so much! I don't want it to end.

Thank you for writing and sharing!
DaisyG chapter 70 . 7/8
You are an extraordinary writer! What a find this story is!
VashonBeader chapter 63 . 7/9
Very clever to use a nightlight spell transformed into something of nightmares for the Dark Mark!

I have not been reviewing and saying thank you. So, Thank YOU! Great story - truly enjoying it!
Guest chapter 100 . 7/7
I know I’m a little late to the story but I am thoroughly enjoying it! For some reason, Chapter 101-104 aren’t on here though and I’m afraid I might miss something important!
creativesm75 chapter 109 . 7/7
great fanfic.
VashonBeader chapter 6 . 7/5
I am so enjoying this story! Binge reading without stopping to say "Thank You!"

I truly appreciate your writing efforts - great story! I'm on the edge of my seat, and can't wait to read the next chapter!

Great job!
Minerva394 chapter 94 . 7/4
I am reading Benefits again for the fourth Ort fifty time and still am discovering new avenues I overread before like Healer Greengrass and Bill before the ritual. Thank you an incredibly complex and multilayered story!
WastedOnYou4580 chapter 109 . 6/30
I cannot find words for how absolutely FANTABULOUS this story is. It is definitely in my top three, if not my favorite. I wish more people would find it, because this is REALLY DAMN AMAZING.
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