Reviews for Fervent Wishes
annaknlol chapter 1 . 5/11
OK Its too good to not to read
annaknlol chapter 1 . 5/11
I was gonna read this but I realised her name is Amara which is my mum's name.
BohemianVoldemort chapter 29 . 6/23/2019
Well, this was truly a fascinating story. I hope you continue it one day. Or maybe float me some plot points in my inbox if you don't. I hope you do, though. I'm very glad they got married. With all the drama i thought she'd refuse. lol your Tywin is perfect and you make it easy to read in Charles Dance's voice.
BohemianVoldemort chapter 26 . 6/22/2019
i really want to see another battle lol i love the battle chapters.
BohemianVoldemort chapter 26 . 6/22/2019
she's being a bit hypocritical saying it needs to end right then and there. then again, Jon isn't betrothed.
BohemianVoldemort chapter 22 . 6/22/2019
there's a repeating paragraph where jon confronts ser rolph at the crag right after robb is shot
BohemianVoldemort chapter 20 . 6/22/2019
honestly, how stupid can Amara be? she was just asking to be attacked or kidnapped going by herself on what had to be at least a two week journey to winterfell in a land she is not native to. especially knowing most of the fighting men are away. HONESTLY! ERRRGGG!
BohemianVoldemort chapter 10 . 6/21/2019
As poetic as it is, Valyrian Steel is lighter than regular steel. I feel this story has much improved after apparently abandoning the first person PoV's. I'm starting to like this very much.
BohemianVoldemort chapter 7 . 6/21/2019
actually, i did see this coming, and once the snow part came up... well there are only a few snows that we know of and only one of them all but known to have used poison to kill his own brother... I like this story regardless, but why would they sell prepubescent arya to an age old rival; especially when they are pretty suspicious of anyone, besides Jon, named snow?
BohemianVoldemort chapter 3 . 6/20/2019
i really hate it when a story suddenly shifts from a third person to a first person structure. completely breaks immersion. especially considering how much i hate first person.
Faery66 chapter 29 . 5/20/2019
Hope to read more soon.

The Sound Shaman chapter 3 . 11/10/2018
So ya made it sound like Jon was stealth-backstabbin dudes commando style, but then you were like "but everyone is still on horses" that's not how it works. Horses are loud, a dude on a horse can't sneak up on, muffle, and backstab several other mounted dudes. That's not how physics works. I'll keep reading, in the hopes that you've improved. I recommend that you read your action scenes several times, then edit out the glaring inconsistencies. Main point, horses are not sneaky. If you want the killing to be stealthy, then no horse, or, almost comically oversized crossbow.
I.C.2014 chapter 29 . 6/30/2018
Just wondering if you were going to update anytime soon?
Nobody chapter 29 . 6/13/2018
Keep up the good work of the best GOT fanfic out there..
dvali chapter 1 . 2/13/2018
Not bad but Amara is princess from another kingdom, now she is a healer which is slightly cliche, its' Talisa all over again. Robb and Jon went alone to find the healer, it is illogical considering the fact that Robb is the heir, they are wasting time, north is huge, there should be at least some groups formed to search in all directions. You also mentioned that there is a war going on, which war? And if there is a war in the North it is really ridiculous that Robb amd Jon are alone in the search of a healer.
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