Reviews for Dare You To Move
Natalie Rushman chapter 9 . 8/1
They're really cute together X) I love this.
Natalie Rushman chapter 8 . 7/28
'The Princess Bride'! Truly, one of the greats X) Love that movie.

I thought this was great. It was wonderful to see the growth in Fili's character. Chapter-One-Fili would never have hesitated. And I really did enjoy the bits with Thorin and Dwalin X] Very entertaining. The chemistry between Fili and Sigrid is really compelling, too. YOu do a great job with the show-don't-tell side of emotional writing. I don't read a lot of romances because I usually find them a little lacking in this regard. You pull it off wonderfully. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Natalie Rushman chapter 7 . 7/22
Nicely handled on Sigrid's part! I thought she was marvelous. I loved the way the narrative jerked - with everything being important and high tension, and then BOOM - pajamas. And THEN - you did it AGAIN, with Kili - I laughed out loud X] This is great.
Natalie Rushman chapter 6 . 7/21
Fili with the kids was just too sweet X] and I loved the story! There are so many different versions of the stories about Fili and Kili's dad. I really enjoyed this one.
Natalie Rushman chapter 5 . 7/16
Lol! I love it X) They're really sweet together. I like the temper you've given Sigrid. She really doesn't get enough screen time. This suits her.
Natalie Rushman chapter 4 . 7/14
"...if one man offers what he has, no matter how small, then somebody else can have more than they started with." THAT. Is perfect. A.) I can picture Bard saying it, and B.) DUDE. It's beautiful. We need to get that on a mural somewhere. More people should hear things like that.

On a more plot-related note, I like the way they interact with each other here. That library sounds awesome. This friendship is promising ;)
Syblime chapter 18 . 7/12
Really really sweet chapter. :)
Syblime chapter 16 . 7/12
Aww, Kili is wonderful! :)
Syblime chapter 10 . 7/12
Love Tilda in this! And the advice they gave Roland was fab. :)
Syblime chapter 5 . 7/12
Axes at the dartboard! I love it! :)
Natalie Rushman chapter 3 . 7/10
Lol! This should be interesting ;)
Natalie Rushman chapter 2 . 7/5
I'm really enjoying the relationships in this story. Sigrid and Bard are really sweet together, and I love the idea of a Tauriel/Sigrid friendship - I don't think I've seen that played with before, and I think they would get along really well, given the chance.
Natalie Rushman chapter 1 . 7/2
Well, this is off to an amazing start. You got all their voices down perfectly. And I'm loving the characterizations! I'm really excited to see how this goes ;)
MoonlightRurouni chapter 19 . 4/19
Congratulations on the nomination! That’s amazing!

I saw this fic update and immediately went: “oho? What’s this?” And read it! Wonderful chapter as always - im actually super excited to reread it all now that it’s complete!

Keep up the fantastic work!
Guest chapter 17 . 6/19/2018
This is so amazing! I'm trying to come up with coherent sentences describing how much I love your writing, but my brain just keeps going "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Thank you for giving us this wonderful fic, I read it all in one sitting because I just couldn't stop. You are a perfect human being.
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