Reviews for Nothing Can Last Forever
Jazzmonkey chapter 4 . 8/13/2011
I... I truly can't comprehend any true fan of the ronin warriors taking their lives as a story to be read. I wont swear or rant or flame, but I will say this... Can you really be okay with leaving only a harsh nightmare within the eyes of fanfiction readers everywhere? I don't mean to sound impolite... It's just a little saddening to see a story end up like that. I hope my review may have changed your plotline outlook for future stories. Thanks for reading my review. I hope you'll reply.
Hocapontas chapter 6 . 9/3/2009
I am REALLY looking forward to the sequel! I wasn't sure I liked this story at first but then it grew on me and now I'm anxious for what's next!
mystress jade chapter 2 . 11/2/2004
yuou write some interestin stories please update this one soon
Snow Myth chapter 6 . 3/24/2004
It was a VERY good plot! Unfortunatly that's the only thing it really has going for it. Updating on the Grammar would make this one of the best fics here in my opinion.
Comet chapter 6 . 9/14/2001
That was so upsetting. I have almost cried through most of this. I was angry when Cye died and just upset from there one. *crying* That was cruel. It was a good story but the way they died and then Gundam Wing got me even more upset. I was hoping for a dream then you had to go back and say they were all dead. Which isn't good. *crying uncontrablly*
Marie Kenobi chapter 6 . 7/25/2001
Wow and wow. That's all I have to say. I've read this story somewhere else before (Maybe Swifty-sama's site). I loved it then and I love it now. But my poor Ronins! And my Ryo-kun! Wahhh! _ LOL You write really good death scenes and I like the way you write the interactions between the guys, especially when one is injured or dying.
Genius Writer Seth N Jones chapter 5 . 3/15/2001
Ronin of the Night: You Killed Rowen!

Silver Angel: *happy*She saved Quatre!

RN: At least our friend Mandi will be happy that she saved Sage...

SA: But angry because she killed Wufei...

Seth: You two are confusing me. Anyway, all of us liked it, even though you did basically wipe out the whole cast of Ronin Warriors... Thank goodness I live in a dimension of earth that can be accessed only by the occupants of Complex A and Complex B.

Genius Writer Seth N Jones

Gundam Authoress K E Winner

Ronin Co-Authoress L V Hashiba

}-}-(silver rose)
sHaDoW chapter 6 . 2/23/2001
That was completely and utterly strange and confusing... I like it
Warrior of Darkness and Silver Angel chapter 5 . 9/7/2000
The young Ronin Warrior of Darkness, Lanèna Vampirra, and the pilot of Gundam Wing Silver Phantom, Krista Esan, looked at the screen in shock. "My Rowen!" Lana said, horror stricten.

"My Qua-chan!" Kris said in the same way.

Lana looked away from the screen. "At least your... Qua-chan is still alive."

Really good, Chibi Shadow Chaser-sama. Sure wasn't what I expected!

Air Night Soul; Life Hope Love;

Air Life Rowen; Night Hope Lanèna; ARMOR OF LIFE! TAO CHI!
47 chapter 5 . 8/18/2000
That was excellent!
ShadowMoonSedai chapter 6 . 6/11/2000
I read them all. Good work! These stories were awesome!
Lynne chapter 4 . 4/11/2000
Very sad. Extremely sad. But I read both the endings, and I like the first one better. But why did CSC have to kill Rowen and Cye for? Yes, I don't really care if Mia, Yulie, Ryo, and Kento died. They weren't my favorite characters. But Rowen, Cye, and Sage are. And she killed two of them! Aside from those "glitches", this is the best I've seen from her yet.
Spectrum chapter 3 . 4/11/2000
I'm loving it, Chibi Shadow Chaser. Reading your fics is giving me inspirations about how to write the darker parts of my own fics. I love that thing with Kento- that was really unexpected. Keep it up!
Spectrum chapter 2 . 4/11/2000

Tell me Ryo isn't next... at least it's only a story. Especially because I live dangerously close to New York City. But why Cye... *sniff*, oh well, continue on your rampage of death and destruction so we can at least see what happens in the end.
Exavier chapter 2 . 4/11/2000
Good story but what is this talk about Mechs and I hope the other ronin dosent stay dead and how come they havent used the armor of Inferno yet well I hope you finesh this story.
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