Reviews for Like the Lotus
Kathyan chapter 42 . 7/10
Muy buena historia, ahora toca leer las secuelas, felicidades
cutestuff024 chapter 42 . 5/21/2019
I'm finally here to review LTL! I'd have you know, I stayed up til 2 am to read this! Ha ha ha. So if my review is all over the place, please forgive me as I'm trying to recall it from memory. When I was reading the beginning, I thought our stories were very similar (again, we think alike so no surprise there! I know you wrote yours years before I stumbled upon BoF). I guess if I read yours then I probably wouldn't have attempted to 'fix' the ending of BoF. Alex reminds me of Jae Kyung a bit. She's more self assured than JK (despite her 'issues'), but in a way, when I picture her in my mind, JK's face comes up (is that weird?). I like how you wrote her though. JH and JD - loved their interactions. The uncertainty of course at first, but the undeniable chemistry they had was too hard to resist. Also, the ball game was sweet! Where can I get a bf like JH? (The hubs will object! Ha ha). I can tell you did a lot of research. If I didn't know you, I'd think you were Korean based on how you wrote this alone. Kangpae! (Did I spell that right?) I've never even heard of them so thank you for educating me. Madam Kang is still 'evil'. Funny how in their head they always think their way is absolute. JP forgiving them showed he finally realized what all of us could see. And YJ talking about Soulmates 3. Sigh. I don't know if I told you this, but I love the Soulmate Principle (from LJ Smith, author of the Vampire Diaries). It's what made it so wrong that JD ended up with JP for me. Because I believe in the Soulmate principle.
My favorite chapter is Chapter 42, of course, because JH finally gets the girl! And I like how Grandfather is still alive here. I've read other people speculate he died during the 4 year gap and that made me sad.
Thank you for writing your stories and sharing it with the world!
I am so going to be eagerly waiting for that Everlark story. *hint *hint.
DragonHeart89 chapter 42 . 4/27/2019
Loved it!
DragonHeart89 chapter 38 . 4/27/2019
Finalllllllyyyyyyyy! Love it.
DragonHeart89 chapter 37 . 4/27/2019
Why are you doing this to us! Are you trying to make me break my phone? Lol Its dragging on and on..she needs to just do what her heart is telling her.
Lost Skies chapter 23 . 7/9/2018
I just have to say, the entire bit with Alex and Jun Pyo was hilarious and entertaining! I loved their little sneak away, and I'm sure Jun Pyo secretly enjoyed it too! It makes up for the previous chapter's heartbreak. I also feel very bad for Alex, considering her life has been as much of a pain as Jun Pyo's, and she's a very generous character, though subtle about it at times.

I'm glad that Ji Hoo apologized to Jun Pyo, and I hope they're able to rebuild their friendship, but I can't help but feel there's going to be later heartbreak, because we all know that what Jan Di felt during the kiss and that it wasn't a mistake.

And although expected, I'm kind of sad that Jan Di and Jun Pyo have this bump in their relationship, though I can understand why it's more awkward and not necessarily the same. Jun Pyo is clearly still upset over the situation, and probably even more so knowing his best friend loves his girlfriend. Which is hard, I imagine, because Jun Pyo is in New York, far from Jan Di and Ji Hoo who are often together. So how could he ever feel right or better knowing this?

Wonderful chapter! Beautiful writing, as always. Love the story!
Lost Skies chapter 22 . 7/9/2018
Another chapter with feeling nothing but guilt. Mainly because while Jan Di and Ji Hoo are spending good time together, Jun Pyo is sulking and feeling out of it. He's with Alex, but I feel that knowing Jan Di and Ji Hoo are together isn't helping, because who knows what they could be doing. But I did love how Ji Hoo took Jan Di out, to help her feel better, and it was all very cute. If only this was under better circumstances!

Again, very stubborn of Jun Pyo not to contact either of them. But he was the one mostly hurt in the situation I think, so it makes sense he's expecting either Ji Hoo or Jan Di to contact him first to check up on him. But at the same time, I can see why they haven't done so personally. They've tried their hand at contacting him before, but knowing his behavior, it's best to wait on him. You've got these characters down well, it's almost like watching the show all over again! Though, I think I can expect more heartbreak in the future.
Lost Skies chapter 21 . 7/9/2018
Just wanna say that I LOVED the way you described Ji Hoo's and Jun Pyo's kisses and the differences between them. I can totally see it as being like night and day! But also very clever, as I can see it being the way you described!

This entire chapter was a heartbreaker, and I have to agree that Jun Pyo did well with self-restraint. Though I can't help but feel for Jun Pyo.. He invited Jan Di out there, to be with her and secure his relationship, only to have it torn apart by a single message. Such a sad chapter. I hope Jun Pyo will be fine. The scene between Ji Hoo and Jun Pyo, though, was great! I loved protective Ji Hoo, acting as a wall between Jan Di and Jun Pyo, ready to take all the fury.
Lost Skies chapter 20 . 7/9/2018
It's been a while since I got back into this story, and I'm glad I did today. Your writing is refreshing, as always, and as always, I'm impressed.

This chapter was cute, sort of, mainly because of Jun Pyo's excitement to be with Jan Di, which breaks my heart because of the previous chapters and how much I want Ji Hoo and Jan Di to be together. But that's what makes this a good story, that there is a struggle, and that there is no easy way through this.

Aside from being written so well, I do feel guilty like Jan Di, because Jun Pyo is completely unaware and believes his relationship is completely fine, apart from a few suspicions. You did well at making the reader feel guilty for Jun Pyo. And I can't help but think that Alex was trying to make Jan Di uncomfortable, though that just may be me.. And is Ji Hoo on his way to New York, maybe? ;) Can't wait to find out how this trip will end.
lucel18 chapter 42 . 6/10/2018
Loooooove it! Thank you so much for a happy and satisfying ending to our otp, especially for Ji Hoo! (Do u know what happened to his grandfather in canon? It wasn't ever clear to me.)
lucel18 chapter 41 . 6/10/2018
I'm so happy you tied in Joon Pyo's father remembering Jandi after he woke up from his coma. Ive always wondered if he or Jandi ever learned about each other in canon and if Joon Pyo ever found out, he and his sister.
lucel18 chapter 40 . 6/10/2018
This is indeed a surprising yet entertaining plot twist. Love it! Lol!
lucel18 chapter 39 . 6/10/2018
Ji Hoo really does need reassurances from Jandi. Im glad she gave it to them.
lucel18 chapter 38 . 6/10/2018
Finally! LOVE THE JANHOO parts! Thank you so much! They make me so giddy.
lucel18 chapter 37 . 6/10/2018
Oh man...This is indeed tough...I think I'm numb to the pain. Lol
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