Reviews for Black Steel
Southpaw626 chapter 8 . 7/11
there's gotta be more! I need it! I NEEEEEEEEEEEED IT!
candrariski155 chapter 8 . 6/21
notvisiulebliss chapter 2 . 6/6
An so nothing changed... I read fanfiction because I don't want the same story and yet here I am basically reading the same exact Story with the only difference being a UNSC Spartan Naruto... When you make another crossover story please write it out differently it would be a million times better if at least one crossover character doesn't join Ozpin because of convenience
ThatTerribleWriter78 chapter 8 . 5/24
redmen6blight chapter 8 . 11/24/2018
This story is genius it doesn't just throw the crossovers together half-assed you took the time to meld them together going so far as to give Naruto a backstory that sounds plausible in every scenario. Most multicrossover stories fail horribly at this please continue this work of art.
sd74 chapter 8 . 11/5/2018
Really had a weird omake:

While watching the bulkhead heading their way Naruto silently grabs Ruby attention.

"Follow my lead and get your scroll ready to take a picture at their direction." While making an ok with one hand and putting a finger on the ring. And their backs facing the group.

*She nods and slowly grabs her scroll
", do you want to make it a group activity or individually?"
"While it's nice to do things ourselves it would be best to have everyone together."

"Big brother what are you-"
"Little (insert shortened name)-"

"Yes, sex is good after all that happened."
"So who are you taking first?"

*silence echoed around the place
Everyone heard that and momently paused before reacting.

*Click, Flash.
"Saved a~~~nd Sending."

The End-
kurama087 chapter 8 . 10/10/2018
Update, update, update, update, update, update for the love of god you need to UPDATE! This is too good to leave to the wayside man!
silverblade10101 chapter 8 . 10/4/2018
good story can't wait to read the next chapter
CLA's Profile chapter 3 . 6/18/2018
HAHAHHAHHHAHAA!... Sry. Just imagining an Olympused Naruto hijacking a ghost from a unggoy. Heheheh. Good times. Good times. Anyways, gotta cut this short, really want to say more, but being harrrased by chillin. Good Kittie Blake, Adorkable Little Ruby, Tsun-Tsun Weiss, and Straight-Up Yang. And big ole socially inept Naruto Spartan. Ha. Will continue to read don't worry. Buh-bye.
Jajur chapter 8 . 3/20/2018
I love your story
Rainbine208 chapter 4 . 1/26/2018
It's cool that he's not a bloodthirsty killing machine, but never killing anyone ever again? That's kinda bs, he's a soldier bred to fight and kill, and he also knows that killing can be necessary. 'The death of one can save hundreds, if not, thousands.'
FanBooooooiiiiiiii chapter 8 . 11/28/2017
Really hoping you update this story. It's your best one yet, it would be a shame till see it abandoned. Glad it's also not following the cliché of your other stories.
shugokage chapter 8 . 10/9/2017
Interesting story and chapter!
Dare808 chapter 8 . 9/30/2017
Please update this story, I've read it like 8 times and I still enjoy it.
Witty Banter chapter 6 . 8/23/2017
I can't help but feel annoyed at how the fight scene went down. I mean I understand the whole 'we must not overpower our main characters' but still. I feel it simply wasn't done right. The Namikaze families' semblance basically made them super soldiers yes but Naruto WAS a super soldier to begin with, so if his 'merging' enhanced his stats there is simply no way he'd be this, well weak. Maybe you overlooked this maybe you didn't and already planned for this, I simply don't know but it has really been bugging me something fierce. Anyways, I love this stories' concept. Thank you for your time. - Witty Banter
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