Reviews for it's the most wonderful time of the year
sambayar chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
This was soo good.. I wanted the story to never end.:)..I love it.
Ficwriter93 chapter 1 . 10/17/2017
I'm almost done but I wish I weren't. This is too good to put down and too good to end! Wonderful job so far an I'm excited to see how everything works out! Keep writing because you're great at it!
kitty22803 chapter 20 . 5/15/2017
Okay, I actually LOVED this story SO MUCH! I usually hate AUs because I.. actually, I don't why. I just don't. You have completely changed my mind. You're such a good writer!
Shelbysmommy228 chapter 20 . 8/24/2016
I enjoyed this entire story. Thank you for sharing your talent.
lotus2016 chapter 17 . 7/30/2016
this story was so adorable and heart-felt. i could really feel the pain in some of the chapters and the love or calm mood in the others. this story moved so much and i loved that they got back together, although, i would have liked it if it ended a little better.
QuixoticHealer chapter 1 . 7/7/2016
AMAZING! And can I just say that your author's notes are the best I've ever read! So awesome.
twilightfreak888 chapter 1 . 2/21/2016
I wish I could favorite this story a million times. I adore EVERYTHING about it!
Miki Mae chapter 20 . 2/21/2016
\( ;A;)/ what do I do with my life now? Huh? Huh? just shoot me and leave me bleeding. *flips desk* I can't believe you finished it. I refuse.
andtheniwaslike chapter 20 . 2/20/2016
When you cry because you just read a story that was so tender, so beautiful, oh, so sweet.

Thank you for this, I really appreciated reading through this gem of a story.
thewritingwanderer chapter 20 . 2/19/2016
*erupts into rainbows*
AND I NEED MORE PRONTO, WILL THERE BE AN EPILOGUE? (Still waiting for the eyes blue one. *laser stares in your general direction on the map*.)
Okay, okay, I'm chill now.
To first quote your AN: "I've truly loved writing it and sharing it with you, and I'm delighted that it's managed to touch people in ways beyond a satisfying romance."
YES. I've loved reading this, but main point that you made it so much more than a cheesy rom-com. There were real feels in there. (For me it was her friendship with Caitlin, relationship with her mom, and personal feelings of not being good enough. You cut right to the heart with those ones.) So the life elements you added in other than, "Oh look, they're in love, isn't it cute?" were very well done.
Calling a family meeting and starting his own company, I'll just be over here in the corner crying and beaming. (So proud of bae for the character development.)
Diggle motivation/encouragement is the BEST. :D
"She had kept him in her phone, just as he had." Little things like this are what give me life.
'"We were the first good thing I made," he told her, setting his final big truth into her hands.' Ugh, I could quote this whole chapter, and especially their conversation, but THIS is what really got me. That was the clincher. A real heartstrings tugger.
And the fact that SHE WAS THERE/COMING THE WHOLE TIME! Gosh I just love this so much.
"Oliver held her shoulders and kissed her, and for a moment, he swore he could taste sunshine." Bye. I'm just going to fly off into the sunset on my jet pack and obliterate. Please make this fic my eulogy. Thank you all, it was a great life.
(Also, I Choose You by Sara Bareilles just came on, could this song be *any* more made for this fic? :P)
mfaerie32 chapter 20 . 2/19/2016
Loved it. Little sad I didn't get any naked time, but it was very sweet.
mfaerie32 chapter 17 . 2/19/2016
I'm still not sure why she feels the need to end it. Does IT go back to not thinking she's not good enough?
mfaerie32 chapter 16 . 2/19/2016
Well that went a LOT better than expected. Lol.
mfaerie32 chapter 13 . 2/19/2016
Nope, I never got that feeling at all.
mfaerie32 chapter 12 . 2/19/2016
That was a perfect first kiss.
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