Reviews for His last breath
Rook2020 chapter 2 . 9/17/2019
Oh, man! I know it’s been a few years, but do you at least remember what you had planned for this? I’d be happy with just an outline or a brief summary of what was gonna happen next! I can’t stand seeing such a good story never come to completion. This has so much potential. The characters were so full of depth and emotion, the action and drama were great. I so wanted to see how they’d had gotten Miroku to Kagome’s time, and the process of treating him afterward. Would the anti-venom work? Would the doctors even have a clue how to proceed? Would the others be involved, or just Kagome and Inuyasha? Would Miroku even get to experience the future, or even survive to the conclusion. The questions! The suspense! And chance at seeing an update one day? A story worth starting is a story worth completing. And a great story like this is worthy of a satisfying conclusion, even if all we get is a summary. Please?
Guest chapter 1 . 10/26/2015
i find this very enticing to start off right away. a slight better opener might of been needed instead of just jumping right in but even with that i still found it to be very readable and drew me in pretty fast just needed to catch into where the story was. description was solid and your flow from one point of view to another was done very well. maybe a bit more speech from each character instead of all 3rd person narrative would be nice but not really needed if you keep writing it with such good flow. maybe some more description here and there of scenery, feeling, view of the monster. i didn't quite feel intimidated by the monster but i definitely felt the sorrow and pain when he was bitten and told he would die. not much else to say other than i like the character developments so far the flow was done well and i am super excited to see where else this goes! i can't wait for more!