Reviews for Scarlet
LittleAngel2292 chapter 1 . 11/14/2018
LittleAngel2292 chapter 3 . 11/14/2018
omfg great chapter I loved it so much omfg
LittleAngel2292 chapter 2 . 11/14/2018
Guest chapter 3 . 6/19/2016
Update soon. would like to see what would happen when she meets kurapika and the others.

Nice story so far
Drake chapter 3 . 4/18/2016
This is interesting.
You might want to do a quick read yourself as sometimes it he and sometimes it's she. :p Otherwise I believe it ok. Hope to see an update soon.
As Darkness Takes Over chapter 3 . 12/29/2015
It's a bit cliche to have a scythe, it plays into the whole Grim Reaper thing a little too much. Mah, it's fine, but as any kind of writer, beware of them, they get old quickly and very boring.
Otherwise keep an aye to not make the Troupe too friendly with her since she's just now properly introduced to them. It's poor character development all together.

You want to keep breaks to the minimal, in this chapter specifically, at the bottom after Scarlett went into the shower, you could just have continued from their point of view. Which brings me to a common... error in stories.
When writing from 1PoV (I, me narrative) changing from one character to another is a poor habit. In 1PoV you can look at it in a few ways, first is that this story is written by Scarlett herself, the reader is Scarlett herself, or we, as readers, are stuck inside of Scarlett's head. In any case, we should not know anything Scarlett doesn't know. This can add to suspension, if you can always write out scenes with other PoVs without adding to the story.
This is why 1PoV can be the hardest to get as it is very constrictive and can provide a challange. If you cannot avoid having another's PoV then you should consider switching to 2PoV as then you can add thoughts, opinions from several perspective. While there is a great numerous stories written from 1PoV, the truth they should have constantly been written from 2PoV.
Should you have any questions, feel free to ask (or even yell at me).
Wawv chapter 2 . 11/9/2015
Interesting, I'll eagerly wait for more.
jenicia stone chapter 1 . 11/9/2015
Love it more please