Reviews for Now and Then
Who chapter 1 . 9/8
In the times that we live in, I once again returned to my happy place. A place where I go so I don't have to be paranoid about COVID or the upcoming election. I turn to SamCedes stories to get out of my head and enjoy the talents of people whose imagination far outweighs mine. As usual, I had landed on this story because it is one of my favorites.

Please tell me that this will updated again? I need to know how Sam cleans up the mess that he had made so he, Mercedes, and Aria can become a real family, living under the same roof. Mercedes may be stubborn, but she also had 5 years of pent up anger and disgust for the man who called her a whore, knocked her up, and left her to be a single mother for 5 years. It has got to be one hell of a bomb to blow up the walls that Mercedes has built around her heart concerning Sam.

I need to know and only you have the answers.

Until we meet again ... Goodnight Bunnies!
alexandra.woods chapter 16 . 3/24
Sorry for my lack of reviews on your previous chapters- I couldn’t stop reading ! This was a really creative take on SamcedesI loved it! Hope you still want to update and not deletex
jacquelinehogan922 chapter 16 . 1/11
Will Sam get a chance to get Mercedes back?

How? Just need to know how?
Guest chapter 16 . 12/11/2019
Please continue this awesome story!
Guest chapter 16 . 12/11/2019
Sam shouldn't have listened to Rachel and made the trip to Cleveland to Mercedes. She always seems to give bad advice in regards to Samcedes. Thankfully Auntie Snix is on the job.
Guest chapter 16 . 8/14/2019
Oh my gosh! How has this not been finished - it’s so so so so so goooood!
Emestee1 chapter 16 . 8/13/2019
I loved this update! Thank you!
mrsblessedkelley chapter 16 . 7/29/2019
I was so happy to see this update! Love it!
Zini chapter 16 . 7/28/2019
Omg I’m so freaking excited about this update! Now and Then is one of my favorite Samcedes stories and I’ve read it several times over the years, so for there to be an update on it was a highlight in my day. So Santana is the one to bring them back together- who would’ve thought? I wonder what her and Aria are going to do to finish this plan. Can’t wait for the next update! Also, please don’t take down this fic! It’s so good!
dorknhime chapter 16 . 7/28/2019
You make me so happy with this update! Can't wait to know what is Santana's plan. looking forward to it. thank you so much for coming back to this!
monni2215 chapter 16 . 7/28/2019
And what a BAM this was. It was nice to see how Sam was feeling after Mercedes made the decision to break up with him. Also happy part one of Santana’s plan worked out. Thank goodness you found this draft and look forward to the completion. Thanks for the update.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/28/2019
Please don't delete this story. I love rereading stories.
Mowatts87 chapter 16 . 7/28/2019
Thank you so much for this chapter. I'm was so excited to see that it was updated. I wonder what Santana has in mind.
Jujubee58 chapter 16 . 7/28/2019
Glad they didn't beat the shit out of him!
whoknowstv chapter 16 . 7/28/2019
I nearly PASSED OUT when I received an email stating that Now & Then had been updated. I knew that I was groggy from allergy medication, so I wasn't sure if I was reading it right. Made a quick beeline over to FanFiction and sure enough ...


There are about a half a dozen long dormant SamCedes fanfiction stories out there, that if they got updated, I would drop everything to read the update. For example, if I was pregnant, went into labor, and the baby was crowning, if I received an update stating that Newton's Law or The Muse were updated, the baby would have to wait while I read the update. Now that is an extreme exaggeration (maybe), but you get the point. Based upon a person's individual preference, there are just certain things that people would drop everything for. For me, Now & Then is on that list.

The past: It was nice that Sam could admit that he was at fault for the breakup in his relationship. Too bad, that he didn't learn a thing by it because he went right back to what caused Mercedes to dump him in the first place. He is not a nice drunk. It is true with what they say, you say how you really feel when you are wasted. You have no filter and the truth comes out. It is one of those things, you never know what you got until it's gone. Well, due to his actions, he had missed out on 5 years of his daughter's life. He missed out on 5 years of seeing the love that Mercedes had for him in her eyes. But I am shocked that Sam wanted to go out to Cleveland to plead his case in person but Rachel told him to go eff himself and leave her alone. But what had shocked me more was the fact that Sam wanted to propose to her before everything went to Hell. He had the ring, the perfect spot, and the love in his heart for the woman. By his being a mean drunk, ruined everything for him.

The present: Santana is plotting to get the two lovebirds back together. Well somebody had to do something to prevent Mercedes from going into a loveless marriage and to prevent Sam from wallowing in his own misery as he sits on the sidelines and watches Mercedes marry another man. I wonder how she had convinced Mercedes' father to go along with the plan. How did Santana decide that it was best for Sam to get beaten up so they could move on.

The future: Sam wants more kids, but Mercedes said that shop is closed. Well, she said the same thing when it came to having more pets and now the animals out number the people in the house by double. So, Mercedes will cave. Besides, even back in college, Sam stated that they were going to have lots of kids. Each kid would have a musical name for their first name (Aria) and a painter's name as their middle name (Monet). So when Aria said little Sammy for her baby brother's name, it through me off. I wonder what his name is? I am glad that Santana is still there to give Sam grief and to be a fun aunt for Aria to have.

Personal note: Please don't take this down. I love every inch of this fiction and it is still a part of my fanfiction reading rotation. If you want to take it down so you can improve it, I would be all for that. But if you want to take it down, just to take it down, that would break my heart. The moment that this gets stamped "Completed" would be a sad day for me because I will not have the anticipation of new words being formed for this story, so it is a contradiction in terms.

Besides, this has really been the only SamCedes fanfiction that I have read that a SamCedes child had my uterus tugging. I want a little Aria for myself!

Until we meet again ... Good Afternoon Bunnies!
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