Reviews for Praeparet Bellum (Prepare for War): Year I
Daimoniqui chapter 22 . 7/18
"I know it was you that tipped off Snape. You got Hagrid and me in trouble!"

Harry pressed his wand into his hand, eyes flashing. "Hagrid and I, Ronald," he corrected.

In regards to the above. "Hagrid and I" is incorrect not "Hagrid and me"

"Me" is correct because, "You got me in trouble" not, "You got I in trouble"

It is a widely believed misconception that the use of "him and me" is always wrong. Coversely, "me and him" is actually incorrect.
I blame teachers for putting the fear of "him and me" into their students instead of explaining its proper use.
I thought you might like to know since you have Harry correcting Ron here.

It is not my intention to 'flame' you here; or whatever it is that they call it. I am a firm believer that, if you are not told something is wrong, how will you ever know?

I very much enjoy your story. I hope you continue to write.
Always remember, having an editor go over your work does not make you less of a writer.
Guest chapter 25 . 5/4
this is amazing, but I want you to know from the bottom of my heart that loose and lose are different words. So are rivaled and reveled. I enjoyed every other word.
freyascarlatti chapter 25 . 4/6
so good! please come back and update soon!
Snarry4life chapter 25 . 4/4
I hope Harry will be able to get Kreacher to tell Sirius the real story about his brother :)
Guest chapter 24 . 3/30
That's why show no would never be poisoned
Guest chapter 10 . 3/30
Please!don't make it too dramatic full of nightmare and hero syndrome!
AtheneMetis chapter 1 . 3/27
It's actually Para Bellum, not praeparet bellym, if you're trying to go with the historical form. Praeparet vellum actually means "he/she prepares for war,," not " prepare for war. Difference between a verb and an imperative.
the real narnia chapter 25 . 3/27
this story I'd wonderful!
I love harry and draco s relationship, and am really looking forward to more of it. I also can't wait for Sirius to find out that harry was poisoned at school (cackles loudly)
I'd live to see some more of Neville and the hufflepuff s too; maybe their reactions to harry getting poisoned?
itd also be super awesome if we got the twins but I can understand why you (and harry) might not do it.
lelantis being all protective of harry is adorable. me too lelantis. me too.
I just really really really love this story and hope you decide to continue this and update soon! I can't wait to see what happens next! happy writing!
MOARMY FOREVER chapter 25 . 1/12
Not bad. Will be following to see where it goes.
bambiewitch chapter 25 . 1/1
This is so goOD
vrani140 chapter 25 . 11/17/2019
Guest chapter 25 . 11/7/2019
A shame this is abandoned , it was really enjoyable and interesting.
jmw03u chapter 25 . 10/15/2019
This has been a very good story. I’m sorry that Harry still seems so down. I’m glad he has a friend in Draco and some tentative friendships outside his house. Thank you for writing this.
Lilias Peverell chapter 25 . 8/11/2019
Please tell me this will eventually be a Draco/Harry fanfiction
-Ariadne Cassiopeia Aeterna
TheGirlWithCurls chapter 25 . 7/15/2019
Please return to this story. Please? I'm begging of you️.
This story is really good, that I even got inspiration to continue my own fanfic! Please please please please pretty please?
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