Reviews for Some Other Me
missbee21 chapter 128 . 6/17
I just found your story and read ALL 128 chapters in like 4 days. It is excellent! I enjoyed your fix-it story lines for the shooting and after the death of his son. Exactly how I wished it would happen on the show. Hope to read the continuation of this last chapter as well. I love it. Thanks for writing and sharing!
kmack348 chapter 128 . 6/5
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you and all you create. I reread these gems all the time! Thank you, XO!
Staceygray11 chapter 25 . 5/19
I just re-read this chapter... LOVE LOVE LOVE!
kkimberly49 chapter 128 . 4/30
I am all for this. I can not wait.
SoVeryME chapter 128 . 4/30
Cool! I like it! You write them together and dealing with family ish, couple ish so well! Definitely here for it!
Guest chapter 128 . 4/20
I could never get tired on your take on Olitz baby journeys! Truly unparalleled!
kelleekellkell chapter 128 . 4/22
I loved how exhausted she was, waiting for him. And I loved how she waited to tell him her thoughts after they’d made love. This was beautiful.
Stay safe.
OlitzLove2019 chapter 60 . 4/22
Please do a part 2
Guest chapter 128 . 4/19
My input is so delayed but I needed to read the 3 preceding “Care” chapters before posting these comments. Very nice evolution of the story. So I assume in this universe there was no break up after defiance- wonder how they dealt with it? Inquiring minds need to know ! Also I assume in this semi-AU, Fitz did complete a second term- correct? Pretty normal convo between lovers even if it went from bush to baby pretty quick. After Mellie’s comment in 401 about it being 1976 down there, I wondered what was Fitz’s preference and also about Liv’s er.. grooming for want of a better word. Certainly more conducive to using superpowers. It’s really interesting to see the more intimate interaction details that are not possible on the show. SOM is so enjoyable- Thanks so much for your time and for writing.
Guest chapter 128 . 4/19
I’m so glad you’ve continued “Care” it’s makes up for some many of the plot holes in canon. With that being said, Oh My God we’re getting Olitz actually planning to have a family, this is all we ever wanted and needed. Thanks for writing this
Guest chapter 128 . 4/18
Woooowww amazingg!
Are Fitz and Mellie divorced in the Care series?
Puck and Rachel fan chapter 128 . 4/20
Loved it more soonish please

TvIsForever chapter 128 . 4/20
I love “care” but I didn’t expect a baby to come out of it lol! I honestly don’t know how I feel. I guess it would be interesting to see how they handle it. But I don’t won’t fitz to be a one term President. But I mean if that’s what he wants then ok. And I guess he could run again later? Again, if that’s what he wants. I’m shocked
Laurenaustin4 chapter 128 . 4/18
Here for this
Olitzia4EVR chapter 128 . 4/16
I am always grateful for the humane, and sweet yet amazingly hot ways in which you write these two. All of the ways that I wish we had gotten from the show. As always I'm grateful for whatever you add to this series, your writing of Olitz genuinely soothes my soul (especially in these terrifying times). Be well, and stay safe!
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