Reviews for Epiphany
Guest chapter 13 . 7/27
Thank you for this update! Whew that was hawt.
I look forward to what you have in store. I hope The General is not too damaged.
Sissysi01 chapter 13 . 7/25
Just read this whole thing in one sitting and O M GOSH. Cannot wait for more
Lightning22speed chapter 13 . 7/23
Oh my, that was so hot. Excellent
kelleekellkell chapter 13 . 6/21
Worth the wait! Now I’m in suspense!
ScandalOnica chapter 13 . 6/18
The spawn of Satan touched The General?! It's over!
And I agree with Harrison, Edison has to be dealt with once and for all. He does not know how to take the L and move on so it has to be done for him.
But I gotta say, I'm relieved I didn't have to fight anyone because Edison chose to harm property instead of Ace or Fireball. But this gives them the evidence they need to have him prosecuted with hopefully with some prison time. Dude needs to be behind lock and key because at this rate, Fitz might end up behind bars for putting him 6 feet under after this latest stunt!

I was so looking forward to Abby and Liv discussing the details and seeing Fitz and Liv squirm at brunch because everyone would have figured out that they have moved to the freaky portion of their relationship. And even if they were good at hiding it, we know Abby would take pleasure in informing the entire brunch party... maybe even make an announcement to the whole restaurant. Lol. But yeah, they more than made up for all the fancy footwork they have been doing around each other these past months... especially the sleeping together like ham and eggs almost every night and having the audacity to call each other 'best friends'! Nah! Best friends give each other bracelets and go brunching not inhale each other's necks! And Olivia's right, Fitz needs to give a seminar but just to Edison because what the hell was he doing with Olivia for two whole years that gets wiped out in one night? This just proves that Abby must be right about the God of Dicks (GOD) because clearly, he let justice prevail and led her by the spirit the Mike's that night. No woman, no matter how evil she may be, should be subjected to whatever that was.

Let's all just take a moment to say a prayer for the figgy-puddin of the next woman Edison manages to hoodwink, that she too may obtain similar mercies at the hands of GOD! *hands raised to the heavens*

But this is only a bump in the road for these two... I see some very rewarding things for them.
Loved this update as well and yes, we are grateful for the escape you provide from the world's crazy because some days, I can't even with the mess. Smh
I can hardly wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for writing :)
ScandalOnica chapter 12 . 6/17
Man, this chapter was worth the wait and boy what a wait it was! This story should be the template for slow burn but with all the side dishes and cake with unlimited orange creamsicles. Just straight up delicous! I enjoyed their whole journey up to this point. Edison should bloody well read this fic for some damn pointers to help his pathetic ass. It's a damn shame that Olivia's best friend deemed her a virgin after being with him for a whole two years (because we know her and Abby share every detail of their sex lives with each other plus Olivia will be sending her a post coital photo... ha!). Shame on you, Edison! Lol


Abby and her prayer to the God of Dicks for Olivia almost took me out... like I can't even with that girl. LOL

But Edison is back and I am not surprised. I was expecting it. That boy has an ego on him and it is more that than his craziness that makes him refuse to take the L and sees himself entitled to one Olivia Carolyn Pope. Who the hell did he call when he was being thrown out of the gala? He's gonna get what's coming to him but if he harms Olivia until then, imma fight!

And hello... Fitz referring to Olivia's parents as his in-laws? Yaaaass! It's great that he gets to enjoy the good things in life at last. Its wonderful how Maya and Dominic have adopted him and already made him official before he's actually official. That demon Edison could never.

Is Cece pregs? Harrison will be over the moon and we might be hearing wedding bells for those two pretty soon.

I can't wait to get to the next chapter!
And yay, you've arrived into the crazy twitterverse. Welcome!
A beautiful story... thank you for writing :)
ScandalOnica chapter 11 . 6/16
So full disclosure... I lost faith that this story would be continued so I kinda unfollowed maybe last year some time. But then someone on Twitter tweeted a couple weeks ago that it was back and I shamelessly scrambled back here as quickly as my fingers would take me. So since I found this story back in Dec 2018, I could only remember some parts but I did not forget how delicious it was. So delicious that I started again from the beginning! Whew... its like the first time all over again. SO GOOD!
So thank you, thank you for coming back. No critiques from me for staying away because I know how life can get and as you do this in your spare time and when the spirit moves (because let's face it, if the spirit's not involved, we're all wasting our time), storytelling can't happen.

This chapter went a little deeper into Fitz's past and revealed some more puzzle pieces or should we say, scum pieces. Because damn, Melody. DAMN! And then when Olivia told him to promise to let her go, man listen, I was ready to cry with Fitz. That was heart wrenching! That man has been through it but what a fighting spirit he has and Voight saw that in him from day one and saved him so he can now save Olivia who is now saving him all over again.

I enjoyed the brunch with her girlfriends because that was real as hell. Bless Abby and her lack of filter and more than anything, her planting the seed for her friend at every pivotal point in her relationship with Fitz to help push them to the next level. So in a way, I guess we have Abby to thank for the demon time that is coming up. Lol Let's face it though, I don't think Fitz's self control is otherwordly as much as he is waiting for Olivia to be ready, as he always has. Truly a perfect cinnamon roll.

Thanks for writing and I cannot wait to tear through chaps 12 and 13!
Thanks again for coming back :)
venica23 chapter 13 . 6/11
I found this story and fell in love with it, the character and story build up was perfect. I rarely comment because I have the app reading to me so I just slide to the left for the next chapter but I had to leave you a little note. Thank you for this story hope all is well with you and be safe
OLITZScandal4Eva chapter 13 . 6/10
I had to re-read 12 & just finished 13! Wowza! So hot! Perfect culmination of their wait! I loved everything about it! Great work!
Tamarral chapter 13 . 6/7
Loved this update
kkimberly49 chapter 13 . 6/6
This update was everything I needed and more. I loved that now they have added the physical to their relationship they are more in love than ever. I was super proud that Olivia decided to leave and go check on her man. This is a wonderful relationship and will only get better. Until next time...
Jacquisbox chapter 13 . 6/3
WOW just WOW! This was so beautiful, so realistic on how their first time together would be. You wrote this like pure poetry, just perfect! I love them together. This version of olitz is truly one for the books. What great writing! Can something please be done about stupid Edison, he needs to go! Poor Fitz, that is so scary having someone break into your home. He should move in with Olivia now (hint hint, lol) for safety reasons of course. Cannnnnnnnot wait for the next update!
Guest chapter 13 . 6/3
Edison has truly lost his mind, at least Fitz wasn't hurt, I was thinking that he would get beaten up or be in an accident. I can't wait for the next updates.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/2
First off, Olivia is such a baby. I get that she was hurt, and I applaud her handling of both of the Davis's, but I can't believe she didn't( or couldn't) see the love that Fitz had for her until now.
IAMASCANDALLOVER chapter 13 . 6/1
NoLove10 to say this story is LOVED IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT TO HOW WE FEEL...I LOVE this story...Those two...YOU know those two who are "relationship goals" and their little tango...WOW...speechless but DARNY that was hot...Abby is a riot and it would be best if Edison left the country for a few years...He is about to get his ass handed to him in a spit bucket...Why can't idiots like him simply move on? This feeling of must have control even they are screwing up and causing hell...Anyway NoLove...THIS IS ME BEGGING FOR EVERYONE...Please..when you have the time can we please get another chapter...PLEASE...OH DID I MENTION I LOVE THIS STORY...
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