Reviews for Gate: And So The United Republic Fought
EvilTheLast chapter 16 . 5/14
Good update.
Coment9 chapter 16 . 5/10
sugoijack9 chapter 16 . 5/10
Its not being arrogant you Cicero bastard. Its a FACT.
Pina doesn't get it as well. She is no different from her canon version that even presented JSDF arsenals and the powers from the modern world, she's still in the mood that her home Empire would win the odds. Disgustingly pathetic.
OnePunchPlayer chapter 16 . 5/9
' [ As life went on in the town beneath their feet the natural processes of their world beyond understanding of even their gods continued towards an event centuries in the making. Soon the mountain towering over the town began to rumble. ] '...

So HIS... Earthquake now happening, huh?...

Hm... [ hummed after Declaring... and now being reminded of worlds and their inner functions of lively hoods ]

[ [ IX ] had no eyes to catch light. [ IX ] had no ears to hear. And yet [ IX ] turned their wills upon the alien world of [ Matter ] / [ Material ] Realm, and strove to learn, for [ IX ] knew [ IX ] had to protect their [ hearts ] , or [ die ] .

With a horror of revelation so absolute that it would drive her mad if she still had sanity to lose, [ REDACTED ] understands where the [ IX ] have always been. [ IX ] are within everyone, every system, every living and moving thing. Trillions and pentillions of slim dark matter tentacles plunged through all our bodies, drinking up the complexity of our lives and thoughts.

We are all pinched silhouettes impaled on the twitchings of infinitely long spiderlegs. ]

[ Came now the [ O ] , and with it a strange [ hope ] —for the [ Sky ] 's [ O ] had the [ power ] to [ Cause ] Without [ Causation ] ! If the [ IX ] had the [ O ] , [ IX ] could seed [their] own minds, free themselves from the dependence on [ Matter ] -Life! [ IX ] could gain forces beyond Gravity to structure themselves, and so become more than wraiths of dark Dust. [ IX ] could enter the Mad Alien superworld of our Chemical reality.

So they turned to this new [ rule ] / [ hope ] of the [ O ] 's... and were [ divided ] . ]

sorry, couldn't helped it.

keep it up.

Be Brave.
TheWriter946 chapter 16 . 5/9
Another update! Wonder what is coming up next...
belnonm chapter 15 . 9/17/2019
Well, I like the change you made but I still think you didn't go far enough. Still, nice interactions between the gods, first time I read it for Gate Xover or not.
belnonm chapter 10 . 9/17/2019
The problem here with Yeager is that he is deciding and trying to manipulate his chief. That's treason, I'm sorry but it isn't for him to decide which information his superiors needs to know, at best he can just make some information have more importance or priority. Hiding information to his superiors is unacceptable and I hope you will have the Wanderer punish very very severely for this.
belnonm chapter 5 . 9/16/2019
You know I understand what Shino does looks "badass" but really if one of my men during my service have done something like that I would have demoted him to Private 2nd Class and I would make my debrief a pre-case to the court martial.

Well, it is a manga but it always pissed me off when I saw stupidity be rewarded or admired in show, movies, books or worse in news. No wonder, our world is half mad.
BigBadAud666 chapter 11 . 8/22/2019
Technically, all religions worship god and Jesus, sooooooo
questorimperialis102296 chapter 15 . 7/14/2019
I really can't wait when the wanderer sees Zorzal having a slave. i'm already guessing the next chapters, the idiot prince would lust over the wanderer's daughter, whelp guess the president will rip and tear...until it is done.
LARS13MX chapter 15 . 7/4/2019
HOLA AMIGO que bueno ver una actualizacion nueva un nuevo capitulo XD, pense que ya estaba abandonado y sabes hace un mes volví a leer esta historia (realmente uso TalkFree). bien muchas gracias y te deseo suerte y buena salud bye hasta luego...
OnePunchPlayer chapter 15 . 7/4/2019
Hm, no 'Warrings' with the LORD & HIS Heavenly Hosts towards the Foreign supernatural powers of Falmart? Just with Rory learning about the Outsite Faith... [ hums thoughtfully ]

Keep it up. (Didn't know that this was updated this Sunday).
Kail Blade chapter 15 . 7/3/2019
You constantly switch between first and third POV, often in the same paragraph. It's very confusing
Guest chapter 15 . 7/1/2019
After skimming through most of the copy and pasted anime rehash that composed most of the former half of this fic, I gotta say you’ve made tremendous progress in terms of originality. Great to see, looking forward to whatcha got in the future.
AyeJimmy123 chapter 15 . 7/1/2019
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