Reviews for One Victor
lunaweasleycullen14 chapter 24 . 7/10
Thank you for the update, waiting for the next chapter. I love it.
mikanMD chapter 24 . 7/9
I was hoping maybe at least one of the Melarks would survive... Thank you for the update 3
quietwraith chapter 24 . 7/8
Very nice chapter! I like the glimpses of Thirteen life we get here.
Pitualba2015 chapter 24 . 7/8
That's all I can say. Finally a story without the Capitol torture.
Aqua chapter 24 . 7/8
I love every chapter you post! So excited for the next one
salyl-jarlyjraneol chapter 23 . 6/29
Esperando el próximo capítulo. Éxitos.
Guest chapter 23 . 4/18
Ch 23 was intense! I can’t believe that this story’s almost done. I like the idea of Katniss not heading into the arena because it changes things and this fic is really different from other FanFictions but it’s different in a good way!
mikanMD chapter 23 . 4/18
Thank you for the update and you stay safe too
Pitualba2015 chapter 23 . 4/16
DARN! You almost gave me an anxiety attack! What a cliffhanger. Please don't take too much time to update. Thanks
Allonsytimelord chapter 23 . 4/16
Wow great chapter, cant wait to read more.
quietwraith chapter 23 . 4/16
That's an interesting way to splice the two plots together. Are you going to basically cut to the events in Mockingjay?
Guest chapter 1 . 4/15
So good please update!
nandy7781 chapter 22 . 4/9
Wow! That was a great chapter. I'm super excited to see how this will play out.
THGFcomp chapter 22 . 4/8
Loved this chapter!
Steeeveee chapter 22 . 4/8
You are my absolute favorite story to read. I love your work, it's so indulgent. Thank you!
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