Reviews for A Midnight Chat
oceanole chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
you were tired typing 6k-something but still finished it, nice going bru
MitsuruSenpaii chapter 1 . 10/30/2016
I'm glad Sans realized why Frisk load an SAVE file.
And finally, thanks to this fic, I think I realized why Frisk gone back to their parents. Sans thinks it's bc of the great love within Frisk, right? Still... I'm so sad for this poor little kid. Hopefully things now getting better!
And gosh, I would do anything to see Sans blushing haha.

Anyways, if I should ask something that won't explain itself, it would be great if you would answer me. Bc I rly started to like this series.
Weirdo Witch of the West chapter 1 . 6/9/2016
lmao I'm fairly certain that "time f*ckery" is by far my favorite word for SAVING, LOADING, and RESET xD I'm definitely using that phrase
YuiTarsis chapter 1 . 5/26/2016
Sans is so hella fine XDDD
InnerGlow chapter 1 . 3/16/2016
it sure was nice to see Sans' point of view. I was quite curious as well. you are great at writing these! I can't wait to go read more!
helphelpHALPHAHAHA chapter 1 . 2/29/2016
Heh. I'm glad that our feelings are mutual. XDDDD
GameManiac chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
For a rated "T" fanfic, you sure like to drop a lot of F-bombs (which Mettaton thankfully didn't say, if you catch my drift). I would like to think that would warrant an "M" rating, but there's next to no violence and only a shallow amount of sexual jokes.

Have you ever read any of the books in Orson Scott Card's "Ender" series. If you haven't, his first book in the series ("Ender's Game") has a parallel novel ("Ender's Shadow"), and both books tell a story through the eyes of two main protagonists. I only mention those books because I'm a big fan of them, and the way you focus on Frisk and Sans made me recollect on them.
Akayuki Novak chapter 1 . 12/19/2015
...And I...should probably go and read "Frisk" now. I keep getting side-tracked by cool (but unfortunately in this case slightly confusing and sad) companion fics.
Namei chapter 1 . 11/17/2015
Beautiful. Thank you so much for this lovely piece!
Yukai yami chapter 1 . 11/15/2015
It's nice so see things from Sans perspective. The way you write him is SO much fun to read! I love reading how differently his mind works and seeing how he reacts in ways Frisk can't really notice to the things happening around him. It was cool to see him notice the Load since the way he'd experience it wuold of course be different from Frisk's.
LuminousMoonRay chapter 1 . 11/8/2015
XD still feeding that pet rock I see. XD
Um...can't bones get tanned Like all crunchy looking or something? Also. So THATS where he got the tanning sheet of metal! Wondered why he'd have that!
Puppy dog eyes? OwO,, Best defense/offence!
No Sans! Don't be pissed at the human! They had IR in the right! attention to the earlier feeling of anger! Not the sting of betrayal! That's fake! :_(
And he asks the question...! *sweat drop* of course Frisk would respond like that. They are some sort of holy child. Super forgiveness! Its crazy!
Yup! *nods* they have waaaay much love inside their body. Its super love!
I loved this little side story chapter! Its beautiful! I can't wit to read the sick one! :D
Strawberry r Kitty chapter 1 . 11/6/2015
Funny thing is, while reading this chapter I was listening to this cello song called "Human Nature." I like how we also got to see Sans' side of the story. Something I have a lot of respect for this story is that Sans isn't crying at every other emotional thing, like every other story. I mean yeah, if the kid was dying in a Pacifist timeline he'd be sad but NOT sobbing. Sans has seen too much death to succumb to tears that easily and that much.
2ilver8ox chapter 1 . 11/6/2015
OH THANK YOU I could not read sans to all during frisk and I was so worried he was still mad but now I can rest easy knowing they are chill. I really love the way you make their friendship, it just seems so real with friends caring about each other but not letting them get away with bs. Thank you so much for writing this!
peerainbowdog chapter 1 . 11/5/2015
This reeeeally good! I lov how u write, keep it up plsss and thank u!
Fairyhaven13 chapter 1 . 11/5/2015
Awww they're just so cute together awwwwww

I'm super glad you did this; it's nice to know for sure that Sans' relationship is fixed; I hadn't realized that there was the whole second conversation after the first part from the other story, so I didn't know Frisk confessed like that. I'm so glad she did. Sans needed to hear that. Poor guy's not so alone anymore. D I'm so excited for the next part. YAY!
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