Reviews for Sardines and Sprinkles
Guest chapter 1 . 11/6/2016
Why is Dean being harassed by an old lady so funny? Cause it is.
heartshield chapter 1 . 3/2/2016
I like this story. I think Lynn is cool and I want her and Dean to date. They should introduce the guys to her grandma.
BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 12/19/2015
Aww, this was so cool. I can totally picture Dean as the type to be drawn to older ladies so they want to talk to him. I love how he met Lynn and even begged her to join in on the fun. Nicely done on this. I loved it.

The Bubbly One,
nolabell66 chapter 1 . 12/6/2015
Dean is too sweet, just can't say no.

I actually worked at Winn Dixie as a cashier. It was never boring.

Carol should have a care taker. She can't keep bringing man home from the market. Luckily this one was cute and not crazy. Well too crazy.

It is sweet how Dean refused to Roman and Seth as brothers. Rat dog, poor Kevin!

I love how Carol is looking out for Seth. Being he is smaller.

I am sure if Seth thought sardines had some nutritional value, he put them on ice cream.
BlondeChick2009 chapter 1 . 11/11/2015
This was so cute my brains are leaking out my ears. Now I want all the fluffy shield.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/10/2015
That was so funny! Thank you!
Zanderlover chapter 1 . 11/10/2015
This is one of the cutest stories I have seen! I know it says complete at the top,but I really MUST read more of this! This was adorable and I totally loved Dean in this! He was sweet and funny and is it just me or do I sense the potential for this to turn into a romance between Dean and Lynn? I would love it if this turned into a full-fledged (love) story. Everyone was so cute and I really liked Carol. She honestly reminded me of a sweet yet slightly "crazy" grandmother type that I see all the time since I actually work retail myself. I kind of expected Carol to reach out and pinch Dean's cheek at one point and totally cute that she was trying to get her granddaughter and Dean to hook up! Loved that! I can so picture Dean just aimlessly wandering around Wal-Mart or someplace and just picking up random things and placing them in his cart THEN going home and realizing there was a list! LOL! The little Shield family you have going here is very sweet and I liked how they included Lynn into their little family traditions right off the bat. The story here was simple but it was as it should be because the writing speaks for itself. The writing was clean and crisp with just enough detail so the reader doesn't feel cheated. I really like the way you wrote the boys and could totally see their brotherly bond and the love they had for one another even in the short time we saw them together in the fic. Your OCs were great too. Believable and not over the top, IMO. Like real people you would meet anywhere at any given point in your travels in life. I like that Lynn seemed like a regular average ordinary girl and not some wannabe diva or sexpot, but just a regular girl next door type. I always like seeing those types of women with Dean. I would SOOOOO totally love it if this turned into a multi-chapter fic! Is there ANY chance of that? Pretty please! With Dean on top!
captainbartholomew chapter 1 . 11/10/2015
So since I pestered you until you wrote this I figured I'd give you a nice long detailed review.

Also the prospect of you writing for WWE terrifies me. Like I don't think I could handle all the unicorn references and brotherly feels you'd through in there.

Hey, when did you get a Blame/Fault section? You stealer! But awe I'm going to love this fic forever since it's dedicated to me! :)

You nailed Dean quite well here in the beginning. I could see him being like what will kill me the fastest? I think you will sold it home with the grandmother too. That lady does not know when to shut her pie hole!

Game night with The Shield! I can see the three of them plus Leah playing Twister and so many horrible things happening...

Poor Dean. I do feel for him having to had to listen to Carol on so many occasions about all this nonsense.

I love your small nod to Mary Sue's in here focused on the absent cashier. You didn't think I'd catch it, did you? Smooth flirty Dean is smooth too.

And now we get to the sardines... oh, Sethie you are so weird. And yet for some odd reason caylendar loves you.

Angel Seth and Angel Roman are such goodie two shoes, it's not even funny. I have to say this part is brillant and I feel like we should get more of it. Hmmm... maybe in one of my fics I'll have Devil Dean and Angel whoever.

Has Randy Orton ever really fought an old lady? I'm going to google that. I mean the man does beat old people? #ThoughtswithCap

Oh Dean you poor sap, I mean sweet soul. You fell for the little old lady with poor health and vision bit. And there is no way you are getting out that now.

I crack up about the "that's his little rat dog" comment every time. Dean, be nice! Technically on some level Kevin is like your nephew?

Again, I love the milkman comment on so many levels!

Uh oh, I sense a problem with Dean and that blinking light too.

Dean you got sucked in by the old lady! Never get sucked in my friend, when you get sucked in you can't get out. Trust me, I speak from experience with the choir practice situation.

Poor Dean, you'd think for all the manual labor the lady would at least feed you decent.

Of course, Seth if you think your dog is cuter than the porcupine why didn't you make the video in the first place with Kevin?

And now we get to my personal favorite part... I have not read this part like five times... I totally haven't!

I highly support this Lynn character FYI. Poor girl though having her grandma try and hook her up with Ambrose... ugh, so embarassing. Also I feel like that Grandma must bring home a lot of potential suitors for this young woman. Poor girl, Poor Dean, the only one who wins in this is the senile Grandma.

I enjoy the fact that the Grandma justifies feeding him with happiness. It's kinda terrifying she thinks he's a dog on some level. Haha.

This Lynn character has such polite manners, I think she is probably in awe thinking Is this real life? Is Dean Ambrose actually in my car? Roman Reigns is huge in real life? Dean really sucks at remembering to pick up his groceries?

That Seth prison cell sentence is hilarious FYI. ;)

Okay, that sweetheart line makes me all gooey inside like the chocolate sundae sauce Dean bought earlier in this fic...

Roman is such a nice gentleman with polite manners too in this fic.

Truly, a regrettable phase of Lynn's life with the John Cena chaos. Looking back, she probably should have supported Edge more so than Cena, but hey not all heroes are the obvious ones, you know?

Sethie be nice to Deanie, his lack of technological awareness allowed for this Lynn character to bring him home! Plus it is kind of funny.

I think you need massive quantities of sugar to stay awake while playing monopoly. I kinda of have an intense love/hate relationship with that game. My brother use to make up rules when we played it.

Poor Roman, always in big brother mood. It is kind of adorable Seth and Dean cheat all the time though.

See Seth shares my thoughts on the fish too! :-P

He had a list? My thoughts exactly on the ending sentences. :D

Overall, awesome job! Loved it for so many reasons! Ummm... and caylendar how much time did you spend watching New Day matches? You're starting to worry me with this whole unicorn magic thing...