Reviews for Timing
greendestiny1523 chapter 2 . 12/3/2017
I found both alternatives plausible and well thought out. It's interesting to think about how small changes could affect the big picture and I'm sure Buffy living with her dad could affect more in the future, but then again sometimes it seems like things that are meant to be will find a way.
Vousie chapter 2 . 12/6/2016
Very good. Wow. Probably a bad thing, but I almost wish that this was Canon (the late version...).
As always with your Fanfiction, such brilliant characterisation, it literally feels like it was written by BVS's actual script writers. Thank you.
BooksAreMedicine chapter 1 . 12/17/2015
Cool idea with Darla
ba2006 chapter 2 . 11/24/2015
Loved this chapter looking forward to the next update
Guest chapter 2 . 11/22/2015
Remarkable job on both alternate versions! Very well done!
Kairos Impending chapter 2 . 11/20/2015
I love how you got so much more out of the additional conflict and tragedy, after seeing how neatly everything wrapped up when Buffy got the time bonus. With the balance of the action and character drama, this really could have been an episode (or arc). Makes me wonder what the rest of the show would have been like...

The way the plan was gradually revealed and executed made me SO happy. Is it just me, or is a decent plot-relevant fight scene one of the rarest things to find in fanfiction? Why don't we do more explosions? Tackling vampires in science labs? Getting a save at the last moment from the ally who just entered the scene?

Also loved Angel on his own in the Master's lair, Hank stepping up and acting like an actual dad, and the cameos and callouts from other episodes. Even though the B/A romance was in the back seat, I honestly didn't even miss it that much since Buffy's attention needed to be entirely on her mother's death, and Angel was showing he cared by doing everything he could to help (which is the best way).

I will need to know more about the names of the poets used as the Watchers' hotline password!
JayeMaru chapter 2 . 11/19/2015
This was cool; a different story unrolled within the guidepost events from the series. I was drawn in, wondering what would happen next. I could see Buffy reacting this way. Evokes the classic rocket launcher moment...
KLR chapter 2 . 11/19/2015
I absolutely love this. So dark. But so intense and believable. I loved Angel's deception.
sailor's delight chapter 1 . 11/15/2015
Love this! The visual of Darla smooshed up against the invisible barrier made me giggle. I like your version of events much better than canon, by the way. It fixes a lot of the miscommunication between Buffy and Angel that always makes me so mad! If they just fricken talked to each other about things! Jeeze. Anyway. Love it.
ps- I re-read sections of "Worlds Apart" this weekend just because I love it so fricken much :)
asoulofstars chapter 1 . 11/15/2015
This was absolutely fantastic. I love when you post Buffy/Angel fluff. .
Kairos Impending chapter 1 . 11/13/2015
Blessed be, it's a good IWRY fic. And how nice to revisit "Angel" again!

It's so sweet to imagine them just talking, all of the hard stuff coming out through a normal conversation. And kissing. The kissing part is very important. Compared to canon, this would probably feel like the natural beginning of a relationship for Buffy.

Definitely enjoyed Darla getting a face full of barrier, but even moreso, Buffy's comment about slapstick potential. Both series would prove her right, but to my mind, they never did it enough.
a2zmom chapter 1 . 11/13/2015
Very nice! And Darla being smoshed against the barrier is a great image.