Reviews for Fifty Shades of Sacrifice
tjm004 chapter 46 . 9/12
Great story!
CupcakeW chapter 46 . 5/19
No sé si fue que perdí el detalle, peto creia que Ana fue para CG diferente desde el principio y que no hubo eso de verla como sumisa. Entonces, está versión de Ana y CG llegando a dialogar y establecer las bases, se perdió un poco en la versión de Ana de la historia principal. Ella encontró su voz aquí, cómo es qué le permitió a su relación volver a pesar por lo que pasaron. Ya eran más adultos y surgen los problemas. Pero no veo pq siguió permitiendo que la menospreciara y la comtrolara. Creo que una vez que lo confrontaron aquí y con la ayuda de Flynn, Cg debió tener un mejor cuidado. Pero, está bien que se arreglaron, aunque sigo sin apoyar la opinión de Ana con respecto a las sumisas. Fue consensual y discutido entre personas que entienden y disfrutan ese estilo de vida. Ella fue su más y su despertar. Elena había evitado que la parte empática de C se desarrollara, por eso no era capaz de tratarlas de otra manera. Si ellas se sintieran usadas no aceptarían un contrato por tanto tiempo. No tiene derecho a juzgar eso. Por otro lado, CG tiene que aprender a hablarle a Ana y dejar de decirle estúpida y obtusa. Eso es inaceptable.
CupcakeW chapter 31 . 5/19
Independientemente de que CG fuera amable o no en sus contratos, no le toca a Ana juzgar esa etapa de su vida. Al menos, con respecto al BDSM y por las mujeres, es su decisión y estilo de vida. Si lo que tuvieron con su Dom no funcionó para eso puede deshacer el contrato. Es lo mismo que hubiera tenido más novias y las relaciones no funcionaron. Cómo no juzgar Kare a Elliot. Esas relaciones de una noche son más cuestionables y también es una decisión de la pareja envuelta. Así que Ana, no debe no siquiera tomar eso en consideración, su punto debe ser la omisión. Y por un lado, no creo que haya entendido que tanto ha sido manipulado y es completamente aceptable que se tome su tiempo para volver a evaluar que ella quiere. Sólo tiene 19 y muy poca experiencia de vida. Irse a vivir con él tan pronto ni fue la mejor decisión para ninguno. Ambos tienen que crecer en ese ámbito.
CupcakeW chapter 25 . 5/19
Detesto cuando él la llama estúpida. Siendo tan intransigente y arrogante queriendo ordenarle que puede o no puede hacer. Ana debió ser firme y establecer límites hasta donde el podía intervenir en sus decisiones fuera de ellos dos. Si hubiera negociado estos límites, se hubieran evitados los problemas posteriores. Uno ama, pero se ama así mismo primero.
CupcakeW chapter 12 . 5/18
Where is Taylor?
massofcontradictions chapter 44 . 12/28/2019
Hi, I just discovered this story today. I know it's been years since this story was finished but I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the story. The entire way through I found that you wrote a story that was grounded in realism and relatable to what real-life couples face. In particular, I found how you characterised Ana in terms of her struggle with coming to grips with Christian's past both honest, neither putting her on a pedestal nor showing her as weak. Equally, I appreciated your characterisation of Elena - a lot of other stories can be a bit over-the-top with her character. In this story, you presented her as a nuanced character, not justifying nor promoting her actions, but showing that bad characters often make justifications for their decisions (often villains don't know they are the villain). Hope you are continuing to write.
Tasfanfics chapter 3 . 7/13/2019
I love how this story delves into many of the problems married couples actually face in real life, and it is very well-written with angst that sure made my heart ache!
Guest chapter 40 . 10/28/2018
Belittle someone is something learned. It’s not fucking intrinsic you stupid bitch. People do that for lack of respect. Stupid fuck.
Guest chapter 39 . 10/28/2018
What the fuck do you expect? People to be ok with him excusing a damn pedophile?! You’re stupid as fuck.
Guest chapter 27 . 10/28/2018
Yup he’s a dumbass because he defends and hangs out and bends over backwards for a pedophile. She’s a fucking pedophile you stupid fuck. He’s a fucking moron.
Guest chapter 22 . 10/28/2018
Are you dumb or just sick as fuck? Elena’s not that bad? She’s a fucking pedophile you stupid sick shit. Jesus help your ass. You’re fucking disgusting.
Guest chapter 11 . 10/28/2018
There she goes always giving into him and him taking advantage of it. He can emotionally abuse her and these bitches here hate Ana for being pissed and hurt about it?! These bitches are thirsty as fuck and have no damn self worth or self respect. Fucking dumb fucks. Nobody keeps disrespecting a person they love as much as Christian does. That is some fucked your shit. He needs to fix that. Dumb fucks.
Guest chapter 37 . 4/5/2018
Lmao yeah they want Ana to just be a hole Christian fucks. They don’t give a shit on how Christian treats her like a fucking object rather than a person. Those people have no fucking self respect and are pathetic as fuck. Bitches need help for their thirsty views. Lmao those dumb fucks need some self respect. Those are the girls that pull other woman down because they have such low self esteem and don’t care how others treat them as long as a cute guy fucks them. They’re usually the people that have family members embarrassed for them. Ana isn’t betraying Christian because she went on a date. They aren’t together you stupid fucks. He betrayed her constantly. He treated her well and treated her like shit. If you don’t want her to date someone, then maybe get mad at the character who drove her to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. Go ahead Ana. Do you girl! You’re worth more than a man that constantly belittles you and defends his mistress. He needs to wise up and get some help. So do you sick and thirsty stupid fucks.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/4/2018
Lmao only dumb fucks who have no life experience think Ana is running away. Those people are just thirsty and pathetic for Christian. Dumb fucks.
Guest chapter 37 . 1/9/2018
I agree with you about people inability to hold Christian accountable for his actions ,but yet they can’t wait to tear Ana A new one for anything. That is one of the reasons, I don’t like cheat fics I’ve stumbled on to them once or twice and there ridiculous. Christians can fuck someone in front Ana , and by the to end of the story it’s supposed to be a believable HEA. Lmfao
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