Reviews for The diary of W D Gaster
Anonymous chapter 12 . 11/7/2017
Poor Gaster
kiwi chapter 12 . 9/4/2016
omfg this made me cry
Fruitbird15 chapter 12 . 7/5/2016
Hey guest (ginger) I can't reply directly to you as you did a guest reply, but if you want to make a comic feel free! Just link it to
jWatson-Holmes chapter 12 . 5/3/2016
The feels.
This is an excellently written fanfic, it touches so many things.

Really deserves much more kudos, follows, and favourites.
Ginger chapter 5 . 5/1/2016
I started reading your fanfic not really long ago, and so far it's been amazing! Is it alright with you if I made it into a comic? (I'll give you credit, of course.)
snowleaper chapter 1 . 4/23/2016
I loved this fic so much! Thank you so much for writing it. You made my day so much better and I can't thank you enough.
PantryMonster chapter 12 . 2/9/2016
Oh my god. This was so well written, and I love how you portrayed Gaster!
LunarCatNinja chapter 12 . 2/6/2016
Ow. Feels. Lots of feels.
Salkeya chapter 1 . 2/6/2016
If you can, maybe you could do the diary is Sans, like how you took and excerpt from it, would mean Sans does have a diary... Now I want to read it...
Salkeya chapter 12 . 2/6/2016
I started crying... Good story, Jolly Good Story... *sobs*
Shadefeather682 chapter 12 . 2/6/2016
Midnathething chapter 12 . 2/6/2016
Well that was a heartbreaking chapter.
I want a happier ending for Gaster despite the fact that there's not really much shown in canon to imply that's possible. Whoops, you've made me get attached to a character who I knew would suffer a fate worse than death
Well, the stories marked as complete so I'm assuming this was the last chapter, and let me say, it was fantastic.
LunarCatNinja chapter 10 . 1/21/2016
Poor Gaster.
PantryMonster chapter 9 . 1/16/2016
I can't wait for the next chapter!
IceFeather9110 chapter 1 . 1/13/2016
Dang it I leave for a month or so and when I come back what is waiting for me? A freaking punch in the feels. You are an amazing author, can't wait to see what happens next.
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