Reviews for Not Without Action
Duckbutt chapter 60 . 8/23
I had to smile when I saw "short" in the description and it turned into 60 chapters! And I loved every word -again!
Hope you're doing well with all the wild fires going on! Stay safe!
Duckbutt chapter 59 . 8/23
Yes...the snake is dead...
Duckbutt chapter 57 . 8/23
That bad penny won't be able to stay away. If Bill is to make himself valuable to another monarch, he'll need to monitor Sookie so he can grab her after selling her telepathy and blood to another king or queen.

Oh, and the reason Bill lived after the Fairy War was because Alan Ball had a man crush on the Bill character -thus CH was coerced to keep him on in the books -he was going to die -I even think that she let that slip out at some interview.
Duckbutt chapter 56 . 8/23
Tying up loose ends -one of those is Bill. He won't go quietly as his delusion about their being "fated" is too strong. He'll just try to sell his services -and Sookie -to another vampire King or Queen. He needs to become sludge on Sookie's lovely gravel, which she can hose off!
Duckbutt chapter 55 . 8/23
Loved the trial! Can't wait to see Freyda sent packing -alone!
Duckbutt chapter 53 . 8/23
The trial continues -all arguments seem valid...but we know the Viking will prevail!
Duckbutt chapter 51 . 8/23
Interesting look at the relationship between Stan Davis and his maker. Their conversation is, in a nutshell, the conflict that the Council will find themselves in. They make not like deCastro, and privately cheer that the Viking ended him -but if they do not find his reasoning solid enough to grant him the crown, the Council may be condoning future regentcide just for the hell of it.
Duckbutt chapter 50 . 8/23
Ugh...Queen Freyda. I tell you, that situation, presented by CH, truly gutted her series. It's like she had torn up the preceding books and tossed them out the window, only to come up with this contrived shit. A sexually abused man/vampire becomes the sex slave of a queen for 200 years. I don't know how she's doing financially now, but I hope her fortunes have fallen, give the total disrespect she had shown for the fans who made her a fortune!
Duckbutt chapter 49 . 8/23
love the internal countdown...and no one was hurt.

I can picture an old lady staggering around, drunk off her ass on fairy blood! Thanks for that visual.

And Claude? A waste of fairy -until he became dinner for the AP :-)
Duckbutt chapter 48 . 8/23
Now the king will be knocked off the chessboard! Love battle scenes that are the result of careful planning by the Viking!
Duckbutt chapter 47 . 8/23
All the chess pieces are being moved in place. And we have the first "Billpawn" down...but not out...yet...
Duckbutt chapter 46 . 8/23
Eric the cocooned actor -not to emerge as a "Monarch" butterfly. It's OK Eric and Sookie-the coast is clear! Go for it!
Duckbutt chapter 45 . 8/23
Oh may, does Thalia get to put the final hurtin' on Billyboy! Hope so, hope so!
Duckbutt chapter 44 . 8/23
Poor delusional douchbag, Bill. I'm sure these are the last thoughts you'll have before your final death...yeah!
Duckbutt chapter 43 . 8/23
"death bed" confessions prior to your own execution, eh, Billy? You putz...
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