Reviews for Baby, It's Cold Outside
PurpleRain27 chapter 1 . 7/8
Loved it!
Krista Marie chapter 1 . 5/12
Loved this !
Lisa chapter 1 . 3/15
Love this story.
maru1824 chapter 1 . 1/19
OMG! Fue increíble
Espero que continúes con la historia.
Quiero saber si Edward reconoció a bela. O si edward sigue casado con la tía de bella.
Si se van a volver a ver en Forks!
Son muchas preguntas sin respuestas !
Emo4 chapter 1 . 11/30/2019
God do I wish this story went on...
Guest chapter 1 . 9/7/2019
For anyone who doesn’t already know this amazing one shot is a prequel if you will to Secrets&Wishes. They’re both SO good!
timidvampire chapter 1 . 7/17/2018
oh no. dont leave it there! Loved this!
sosueme chapter 1 . 6/17/2018
Blistful2006 chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
Hmm I wonder if he had any inkling who she was at all. Gosh I so wanted to see the aftermath but it was good.
Fleur50 chapter 1 . 5/17/2018
Missysue32 chapter 1 . 5/13/2018
Aww Man this should definitely be longer! It was really good!
flibbidyjibits chapter 1 . 3/9/2018
This is fantastic!
I would love another chapter or two...
alainaroullier chapter 1 . 2/28/2018
Friggin hot!
karunakannu1999 chapter 1 . 12/26/2017
Loved it.
JustARead chapter 1 . 12/24/2017
Did this ever continue?
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