Reviews for A Matter of Perspective
Guest chapter 3 . 7/13
How do you make this feel so legit? This really feels like it could have been an episode or chapter.
angeljme chapter 3 . 5/27
It's soooo cute! SessxRin would always still a scene. I love Jaken. He's so silly.
angeljme chapter 2 . 5/27
This is full riot. I'm laughing at every turn. The whole gang is one comedic act after the other. I love Miroku! He's so sly!
Ebony-Dove chapter 3 . 8/29/2019
This was really clever and cute!
Des-C-Kudi chapter 3 . 12/12/2018
This is so sweet!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/6/2018
This needs to be put under sesshomaru and rin
Gul Sen Go chapter 3 . 1/4/2017
amazing, i absolutely LOVED this!
kagomeLove2 chapter 3 . 11/1/2016
Ooohhhh I loved it so much. Thanks
Neepers chapter 1 . 10/16/2016
This story was so lovely! Thank you for posting!
signaturesweet chapter 3 . 9/12/2016
This story was such a breath of fresh air. I loved every minute reading it, and thank you for sharing!
tomorrow4eva chapter 3 . 7/4/2016
That's a fascinating idea, and a well written story.
sorcerousfang chapter 3 . 6/21/2016
It's so PERFECT! Oh, the way you linked all of this together is so beautiful, I'm just, UGH, I love it! Nothing about this story felt like filler. Every part had meaning to it, and it pieced everything together perfectly in the end. I applaud your efforts. This is just fantastic. My only notes would be on the correct spellings of Sango's boomerang (hiraikotsu), and Sesshomaru’s blade (Tenseiga).
Wonderfully delivered and absolutely brilliant writing. This will forever be one of my favorites (and I will always imagine Kagome bringing him back a pair of those color correction glasses and him privately discovering the color red).
Thank you for writing!
Trinabear chapter 3 . 1/12/2016
Very sweet! I like how Kagome can still go thru the well and tries to get everyone together for a big dinner like a family reunion type thing. I also like how it seems that Lord Sesshomaru is slightly crushing and Rin and is trying to start a courting ritual with gifts! It is also sweet that Rin is crushing on him as well! Of course, Inuyasha is clueless to it all as always! Ha ha! What can I say? Some guys just are! Of course, Jaken is being his annoying self! Great job!
00mokona chapter 3 . 1/1/2016
Well now we know why he keeps Jaken around and for some reason I find the ending adorable.
Aubie G chapter 3 . 12/13/2015
I love this fic! Your writing is so lovely. All the character's voices are spot on and your writing is descriptive without being flowery. Seriously one of the best written fics I have had the pleasure of reading. Also, I love the plot! It really is simple and fun, but manages to dig up really interesting character relationships without falling prey to sterotypes. I am gushing, but truly you deserve it! Thank you for sharing your talent!
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