Reviews for Immortality in the Verse
scotsirish76 chapter 10 . 6/2
WOW I'm sorry I didn't review ever chapter but I started reading and just didn't want to stop.. There aren't enough hp/ff fanfics and it's a shame really so it's awesome to find one that's not only a page Turner but also finished it's great... PLEASE write more I know it's been years but a story as good as this needs to have an ending so PLEASE write the sequel.
tim223 chapter 10 . 12/14/2019
Your story is great. I've read it a few time. It's been about 3.5 years, any chance we will see a sequel.
merryfish24 chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
Just a quick question. When you say Britian do you mean just England, because Britain includes North Ireland, Wales and Scotland as well as England. The U.K is just another name for Britain. The long title is the United Kingdoms of Great Britain but it was shortened. Sorry if someone else commented this.
Ratus chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
I do hope one day to read part two of this fine story.
NathanielTheCat chapter 2 . 3/10/2019
Hey, my guy, just pm them responses to their reviews, or post an AN only if it is necessary, bc half the chapter is basically about reviews, not content.
KamiLong chapter 10 . 2/4/2019
Thanks for the story, I liked it a lot and enjoyed reading it, he only thing I didn’t like is how some parts were hard to read without watching the show.
jbfritz chapter 10 . 12/29/2018
Great story!
Talonwalker chapter 10 . 12/24/2018
Great story, I enjoyed reading it, thanks
ucdneo chapter 10 . 12/10/2018
I enjoyed the story quite a bit. My only complaint is that you put review responses at the top of every chapter. It's a real pain in the neck considering all I want to do is read the story. If you feel the need to respond to reviews, please put them at the bottom.
WyrdSmith chapter 10 . 10/7/2018
Thank you. It’s been a pleasure reading a well crafted story.
vansh4895 chapter 10 . 9/27/2018
This was so amazing! great work, I sincerely hope you write a sequel.
ak chapter 10 . 9/2/2018
bonne fic!
Theoretic chapter 7 . 9/1/2018
He barely knows Wash, and now they're all the sudden best friends or something? Just seems...I don't know.
Theoretic chapter 5 . 9/1/2018
Is Harry an idiot? He's a wizard who lived 400 years and the only way he can think to rescue prisoners is stealing the keys? By flirting with one of the guards? I realizes the whole jailbreak bit is interesting but still. He could've disillusioned himself, snuck into the control and released them all. He could've used the unlocking charm on all the doors while pretending to use the keys. He could've done probably another dozen other things, but you have him doing one of the most stupidest plans possible. Regardless of the stupidity of this chapter, I am enjoying the story over all and look forward to reading more. Keep it coming :)
Illucia chapter 5 . 6/8/2018
Hmm.. Ive watched the movie ages ago, is this following the series plotline? There are lots of people Ive not heard of. Youre doing pretty well in explaining things but still I fall off the wagon now and then. I'm mostly reading this because of mod!Harry.
But really theres a full world out there. You don't have to be tied down by the series plot! I wanna see Harry really use his magic! He could be doing so much more!
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