Reviews for The Way of Heroes
jjcoop95 chapter 16 . 6/5/2016
Good setup chapter and I'm still trying to find out who SHE is.
Guest chapter 15 . 5/23/2016
I love the law doesnt make morality speach
its really fitts
but um please dont make it so that Naruto Ideals are the only right path
One thing though about Sakura
I really hope someones kicks her ass
cause she is getting more delusional about Sasuke
Why does a obsessed fangirl end up with the guy
she obsessed over, Sakura is not a good person
jjcoop95 chapter 15 . 5/22/2016
Snow woman- Monet? Demon aura! Everyone lives. As always great character and see you till next time.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/13/2016
Naruto is a thickheaded idiot, the world is complex
its easy to says things then do them
Kill 1 to save 10 kill hundreds to save thousands
I think Zabuza thinks like that
Naruto tries to save..but its not that simple
you save 1 and doom 10 you save 100 and doom thousands
its like that metaphor
a fly is caught in spiderweb
and if you save the fly you let the spider die of hunger.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/13/2016
I like Luffy better then Naruto
Naruto...forces you to view his ideal
just think about it
he says pirates are cowards
and yet Ninjast use smoke bombs to escape
he says pirates kill in coldblood
ut ninjas do too
how many times I bet they have been hired to kill innocence
and Naruto is naive
Ninjas have alot of sides as do pirates
saying one side is better then the other is stupid.
I dont think pirates are better or ninjas
plus if people think that I feel sorry for Naruto
...I dont...there are others like him and there are those worse then him
that civiall counsil crap is fanfic thing and the whole beating and starving thing
also fanfic...they just add more drama to make you feel sorry for him more
Luffy has fought til he bleed like a crap, has NAruto done that
the most he does is use clones to overwhelm people thats not cool
and he is not the only Uzumaki so there are others who could do like him
but for some reason they never show that why because they want to make Naruto look good
Naruto is ignorant,naive person and I hate it that people make him look like a saint.
sorry for my ramble, its just in every fic they make NAruto look good
like hes always right but hes not,
jjcoop95 chapter 14 . 5/9/2016
Good chapter. What stuck out the most for me is more people with "The will of D" will show up and I am excited for that, after all secret Ds in One Piece so why not this story; but as long as it not Naruto, I seen to many stories where Naruto is a D. Luffy and Naruto fight of ideals a
Fail chapter 1 . 5/3/2016
Not a chance.

Ever heard of separating dialogue? Or killing your 'center' format?

You got the other tenants right: sentence structure, spelling and grammar. For the most part.

Still, I'm not even going to bother with this headache inducing garbage. Waste of time, effort and space as far as I'm concerned.
jjcoop95 chapter 13 . 5/2/2016
HE'S A "D"!? This chapter just became a perfect 10 when you made HIM a "D". I normally hate it when people make other characters into "D's" but HE does fit all of the marks for being a member of the "D" clan. PS awesome chapter.
jjcoop95 chapter 12 . 5/1/2016
Good character as always
jjcoop95 chapter 11 . 4/28/2016
Good work as always and no worries about forgetting to upload the chapter we all make mistakes.
Guest chapter 10 . 4/11/2016
Great Story! In enjoying it , keep it up!
jjcoop95 chapter 10 . 4/10/2016
Good chapter. And did I spotted the unluckies?
jjcoop95 chapter 9 . 4/1/2016
Chapters like ch.9 is why this story is amazing, the small references to characters like Higuma and Zoro(that pirate hunter) and the marine rifle is what makes the readers remember that this isn't a story about Luffy in the Naruto world but a merger of the two. And the fact that minor throwaway characters are being fleshed out is cool. I'm not going to lie when read Naruto I didn't care about Yu and QI but you made me feel bad for Qi. And it's still boogles my mind that the story isn't more popular. PS keep up the great work.
jjcoop95 chapter 7 . 3/21/2016
Good chapter.
Monkey D.Uzamaki chapter 1 . 3/10/2016
veryy good story so far!
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