Reviews for Beliefs and Doubts
SeventhTatar chapter 1 . 6/12/2016
Need more Takeru/Sora friendshiiiippppp! you are awesome for having written some awesome little ones, thank you!
the alpha phoenix chapter 1 . 4/23/2016
This is a nice little snippet of the Digidestineds' adventure. It may have been short, but I still enjoyed reading it. Good job :D
Azurerin chapter 1 . 1/15/2016
While this might be short, but I sure love how realistic you've made this one to be. I found it to be a real fitting to the original story and believe that this is how Sora must've felt during that time! Keep up the great work!
SkuAg chapter 1 . 12/5/2015
Hi Jade, I loved this story. Very special, very Sora. Great job :)
Tin chapter 1 . 11/29/2015
Nice little piece! Also great to see Takeru being so hopeful, as the crest bearer of Hope.
ayumi-nightbeauty chapter 1 . 11/30/2015
Noooooo, this is too cute. I loved it. I feel a conversation like this could've happened, considering how Sora seemed to try and keep Takeru from losing hope on Yamato, and at the same time trying to keep herself from doubting.

It was perfect, it did feel a little rushed but still perfect.