Reviews for What's the Worst That Could Happen?
driver picks the music chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
Omg! This was hilarious! Aaron is the greatest lol
banneg chapter 1 . 11/29/2015
This was such a fun read! It is wonderful how you used the quick glimpses to see how things progressed over time and Charlie went from uncomfortable in the first chapter to all in with Bass' idea; and Bass' attitude was just so spot on. I particularly love that it was Aaron that found the dvd. -B
ThreeMagpies chapter 1 . 11/29/2015
Hi there! This is an instant classic! :D I loved that Bass edited their tape down to 8 HOURS... That is true dedication lol! Love it! And dear Aaron, I could see him choking on his popcorn...and then coming to the rescue, seriously this was so much fun...

I loved the way you arranged the story too, the format worked so, so well...seamless...Kudos! :D Magpie
Kggla chapter 1 . 11/28/2015
Loved this one.
TexasRevoFan chapter 1 . 11/28/2015
Awesome! I love the setup of the timeline. Such a funny twist that Miles saw them at a restaurant, and Aaron was the one who saw the tape! Ha! I also like the AU Mathesons. Danny's "Gross, Charlie, he's old" was hilarious. I think that is probably a more realistic reaction than the fics where Danny is playing yenta to Charlie and Bass. Also I think Bass would totally be into sex tapes of himself, not sure why, but I think you're onto something here, haha. Connor getting in the way as always was funny, too. This is a wonderful, light fic, and it was a pleasure to read this tonight.
BlueJeanJellyBean chapter 1 . 11/28/2015
Loved it! Sexy and funny!
saderia chapter 1 . 11/28/2015
That was great would make a kick ass movie. Great one shot.