Reviews for Perfect Storm
fivealive123 chapter 1 . 6/9/2017
Great story! I really liked it. Loved the ending, with Mia and Vince naming the sounds that they heard. Really cute!
WheresMyWings chapter 1 . 8/23/2016
I shouldn't be laughing this hard at Mia & Vince being able to give a play by play of a Dom/Letty fight-makeup sex session. Hahahha :D
bammbamm28 chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
Love how your portrayed Dom and Letty fighting. Totally how I would've imagined their reactions.
Great read! Thanks!
MermaidsandLace chapter 1 . 12/6/2015
Oh, how I love Dotty arguments! Great job on this, it captured them well. :)
eversograceful chapter 1 . 12/6/2015
:) Nicely done!